Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
is the true color channel arriving from images acquired by the 
mounted camera. Notably additional (or different) cues can be 
formed and added. 
Surface normals are computed by 
with V, = [dX x , dY x , dZ x ]*, V 2 = [dX 2 , dY 2 , dZ 2 ]* . Differences 
are computed between neighboring pixels in the range 
panorama. The amplification of noise in the normal 
computation and the variations in scale across the scan affect 
the quality of the normal values in different levels, where 
noisier normals are expected close to the scanner. We reduce 
the noise effect by applying an adaptive Gaussian smoothing of 
the data as a function of the range. The physical window size, D, 
is set to a fixed value, which is then translated into an adaptive 
kernel size as a function of the range and scanner angular 
resolution A. The window size, d, in image space is given by Eq 
«P)* 4 (4) 
The three individual channels can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2a 
shows the range channel with the blue color indicating no-retum 
regions that relate both to the sky and to specular points from 
which no return arrived. Figure 2b shows the normal directions 
(color coded) that are showing monotonicity on the ground and 
along the walls while exhibiting variations around trees and 
other non-flat or faceted objects. The consistency in the normal 
values is a result of the adaptive smoothing process. Figure 2c 
shows the projected color points on the range panorama as 
achieved via ray tracing. We note that due to some inaccuracies 
in the registration and the resolution of the laser data (compared 
to the image based one) some tree canopy points receive sky 
colors. To eliminate these artifacts from the segmentation, sky 
tones are masked and replaced by the closest darker tone. An 
alternative approach will segment the individual images in 
image space and then assemble them through the forward 
projection. In this setup, the assembly (and handling sky 
segments) will require treatment. 
2.4 Segmentation 
The transformation of the data into a panorama allows the use 
of common image segmentation procedures for segmenting the 
point-cloud. As a segmentation scheme, we use the Mean-Shift 
segmentation (Comaniciu and Meer, 2002), a scheme that was 
chosen due to its successful results with complex and cluttered 
images. Being a non-parametric model, it requires neither model 
parameters nor domain knowledge as inputs. The algorithm is 
controlled by only two dominant parameters: the sizes of spatial 
and the range dimensions of the kernel. The first affects the 
spatial neighborhood while the latter affects the permissible 
variability within the neighborhood. These two parameters are 
physical in a sense. 
Generally, the mean-shift clustering, on which the segmentation 
process is based, is an iterative procedure, where each data point 
is "shifted" towards the centroids of it neighboring data points. 
The new value of the point is set as the mean, c ;+/ , by 
Z w(Cj-s)s 
r = seS(c ^ (5) 
C j+1 V , V 
2^ w(Cj - s) 
seS(Cj ) 
with w( ) the weight attached to the vector s of the point, and j 
the iteration index number. Convergence is reached when the 
centroids is no longer updated. The segmentation algorithm 
itself is based on a derived filtering scheme beginning with 
feature vectors considered a cluster center. Using the update 
equation, an iterative convergence process into cluster centers is 
initialized. The pixel labels are set to the value of convergence. 
Then, neighboring regions sharing common values, up to the 
parameter defined for the range, are grouped together into a 
The application of the mean shift segmentation on the 
individual channels is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3a shows the 
segmentation based on the range, it shows that the patchy 
results appear in continuous regions where no meaningful 
separation can be identified. Nonetheless, elements like the tree 
stems or poles clearly stand out as individual segments. Figure 
3b shows the results of the normal based segmentation. 
Contrary to the range based segmentation, the ground and the 
façades appear here as complete segments. Notice however the 
patchiness around unstructured elements as the trees, poles or 
the fountain in the front of the scene. Finally, Figure 3c shows 
that the color channel managed capturing some of the façades as 
complete objects, and vehicles (which are dominant in their 
color feature) were extracted. Generally, color exhibits 
sensitivity to illumination conditions and shadows, which can 
be noticed in the segmentation of the floor, in some of the walls 
and the fountain. Notice that poles and traffic signs, which are 
expected to be distinct with respect to their surroundings, were 
isolated in the color segmentation. 
2.5 Integration scheme 
When dealing with multi-cue based segmentation as in the 
present case, the main challenge is handling the different space 
partitioning of the different channels. As an example, the 
ground, which ideally would be extracted as a single segment, 
will have uniform values in the normals channel while having 
large variations in the distance channel (and also uneven 
intensity values in the true color channel). Therefore, our aim is 
not perform a segmentation that concatenates all channels into a 
single cube and performs the segmentation on the augmented 
feature vector. Such segmentation will be highly dimensional, 
computationally inefficient, and ultimately may lead to over- 
% segmentation of the data. 
Instead, the integration scheme we follow originates from the 
realization that the different channels exhibit different 
properties of the data. Consequently, they will provide "good" 
segments in some parts of the data and "noisy" ones in other 
parts. We segment therefore each channel independently (as the 
results in Figure 3 show) and then construct a segmentation that 
integrates them, by selecting the better segments from each 
channel. We note that in this scheme the addition of other 
channels can be accommodated without many modifications.

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