The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008
from within the radiation device reflect the real patient
During the time consuming and error prone manual procedure
the alignment of the respective body region may change, which
leads to degradation of the treatment results. Furthermore,
manual alignment cannot be done for six degrees of freedom
(DOF), because rotational misalignments can hardly be detected
and quantified accordingly by visual evaluation of the 2D
images. For this reasons automatic patient alignment procedures
are necessary.
For automatic alignment correction of patients in particle
radiation treatment devices we register two stereoscopic digital
radiographic images (DRs) taken from within the treatment
device from different viewing angles with the respective
projections of a high-resolution reference CT series, the
planning CT. The projections are computed for an initial
treatment set-up, starting with the expected patient alignment.
The results of the rigid registration are then back-projected into
the coordinate system of the patient table. The resulting
correction vector in 6 degrees of freedom is used to move the
table and to bring the patients tumor in the correct position for
radiation treatment.
Two major problems occur when computing the patients pose in
6 DOF. One is that the rotation around the axis perpendicular to
both central rays of the X-ray equipment axes (which is in most
cases the table roll axis) cannot be computed directly from the
2D projections. This is because these rotations do not lead to
detectable movements of the contents of the 2D images, but to
implicit changes of the images, which cannot be interpreted by a
registration process that relies purely on 2D images. The
solution to this problem is to maximize the image similarity
between the DRs and new projections of the CT, depending on
the free parameters for the 6 degrees of freedom patient
alignment (3 translations and 3 rotations). This approach
implies a large number of CT projections, actually done by ray
tracing and therewith leads to high calculation times, even with
optimized rendering techniques.
The other problem is that the comparison of the images suffers
from image contents, that for example are present in the DRs,
but not in the DRRs, e.g. parts of the patient fixation
To improve performance of the 6 DOF alignment detection and
to reduce the influence of inherent deviations of the image
contents on the registration process, we propose a modified
approach, relying only on parts of the respective X-ray images
and the CT scan. Therefore we initially perform a 5 DOF
correction to gain a good estimation of the patient pose. Then
we find regions in the X-ray images, which are expected to lead
to stable and reliable registration results. All other regions are
excluded from the DRR rendering process as well as from the
image similarity maximization. This allows us to reduce
computation time and to enhance the reliability of the pose
estimation process.
In (Jeongtae et al., 2001) it is already shown, that mutual
information is a suitable measure to find an estimation of the
patient set-up error in radiotherapy. We make use of this
measure to compare X-ray images with the respective
reconstructed radiographs. However, to gain a full 6 DOF
alignment, a large number of DRRs have to be rendered and
must be compared to the X-ray images. This is normally done at
high costs of computation time and reduces the acceptance of
the full 6 DOF alignment in clinical applications.
One suggested solution to this problem is given in (Birkfellner
et ah, 2003). They propose to perform several 2D to 2D image
registrations between DR images and DRRs. The resulting 3D
transformation is then computed by inverse projection. The
DRRs are updated as soon as the hypothetical 3D
transformation of the patient, and therewith the CT scan,
reaches a certain amount of translation or rotation. The
complete pose estimation process can be sped-up by means of
factor l A at the cost of some tenths of a degree in rotation
accuracy. However, only ±1.6 millimetres accuracy could be
reached in translation.
In (Selby et ah, 2008) full 6 DOF alignment correction is shown
for a single X-ray image and a single DRR image. Using only a
single X-ray image could reduce rendering time by 'A compared
to the stereoscopic approach, but suffers from low translational
accuracy in direction of the X-ray axis (axis from the X-ray
source to the centre of the digital flat-panel).
(Rohlfinga et ah, 2004) propose what they call progressive
attenuation fields to speed-up the rendering process for pose
estimation. As many DRRs with only slight deviations have to
be created, each ray through the volume is computed only one
time. Once computed, each ray represented by the result of a
line integral is stored in a hash table and can be reused. To
reduce the number of stored rays, interpolation is applied.
Through this approach the pose detection could be sped-up by
factor Vi compared to the same algorithm using standard ray
casting to render the DRRs. Unfortunately, accuracy and
reliability suffer from large initial patient set-up errors and with
16 mm initial misalignment, only about 30% of the tested cases
led to correct results.
For our approach we aim to achieve reliable results for at least
20 mm of initial misalignment. Thus we perform an initial
5+1D pose detection similar as in (Birkfellner et al., 2003),
which is based on 2D to 2D image registrations with updating
the DRRs at certain steps of the process, to reflect the real
alignment of the patent relative to the X-ray equipment. This is
done until the transformation cannot be further optimized.
To enhance accuracy in 6 DOF we then perform automatic
image comparisons with new DRRs, rendered for each tested
3D patient pose. This is done as described in (Selby et al.,
2008), but we use two X-ray images to ensure an acceptable 3D
accuracy. To reduce rendering time and the influence of certain
areas of the image, we select parts of the X-ray image, which
are suitable for image matching. The DRR is ray-traced only in
these areas and'all other parts of the image are excluded from
the processing.
In the selected areas, the rendering is done without reducing
image resolution or radiometric quality to avoid degradation of
the reachable accuracy.
In figure 1 we first give a brief overview over the whole pose
estimation process as performed by our approach. After that, the
relevant working steps will be explained in more detail.