Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
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Figure 1. Craniofacial Spatial Data Acquisition System - 
Conceptual Design 
In Figure, Cl to C8 shows the location of camera 1 to camera 8, 
while LI and L2 show the location of laser scanner 1 and laser 
scanner 2 (Figure 3). Camera 3 and camera 6 (Figure 4) was 
setup in convergent mode at lower position to allow the scanner 
to emit the laser light onto craniofacial surface. Both cameras 
were also rotated 90 to allow the implementation of role 
diversity rule in the system. 
The approach implemented in the developed system is unique. 
Existing and previous data acquisition system for modelling and 
measuring human faces does not involve with the integration or 
combination of more than one system. Most of the system only 
implement one sensor either stereophotogrammetry or 3D laser 
scanner. The combination of the two system will enhanced the 
accuracy, geometry and visual quality of the craniofacial spatial 
Figure 2. Craniofacial Spatial Data Acquisition System - 
Physical Design 
L2 L1 
Figure 3. The location of laser scanner LI and L2 
C6 C3 
Figure 4. The location of camera C3 and camera C6 
Both sensors (stereocameras and 3D laser scanners) were 
operated one after another. The stereocamera system was 
operated using battery while the scanner was operated via 
computer and Polygon Editing Tools (PET) software. The 
details information regarding the system is discussed below: 
2.2 Stereophotogrammetric System 
The objective of having a stereophotogrammetric system in the 
prototype system is to acquire high resolution stereo images of 
craniofacial morphology. The implementation of the system 
followed the basic stereophotogrammetry operation that has 
been applied in aerial photo mapping. The developed 
stereophotogrammetric system consists of eight high resolution 
(8.0 Mega Pixels Sony DSC F828 - as in Figure 5) professional 
digital cameras. Six of the cameras were setup in stereo mode 
with calculated stereo base distances. The six cameras captured 
70% stereo-overlapping images and setup 800mm in-front of 
the patient. The last two cameras was setup in convergent mode 
to capture two convergent images. The cameras were control 
and synchronized using new special built camera lane controller 
(as in Figure 6). The user can switch on/off and release the 
shutter of the camera easily using the controller. All the cameras 
can be accurately synchronized within 0.2 milliseconds. The 
stereo and the convergent images of the craniofacial 
morphology was stored in the compact flash memory card and 
was downloaded into CPU using multi-card reader device for 
further processing tasks. 
Figure 5. The Sony CyberShot F828 professional digital camera

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