Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

Independent Research Group on Geo-Spatial, Tehran, IRAN - s_homain@yahoo.com 
Commission V, WG V/l 
Keywords: Navigation, Real Time, Positioning, Mobile Mapping 
This is a report on recent development of a navigation system, which is used to provide real time positioning for a mobile mapping 
application. The developed method is very unique and distinguished from other similar methods. An approach was designed based on 
Mobile Mapping Application in order to monitor a terrain in purpose to detect an unknown object inside the terrain. Once an 
unknown object was detected, position of the object was defined, and a dynamic platform was dispatched towards the object. The 
dynamic platform was supplied with a vision for monitoring and navigation. A number of targets were designed and set up around 
the terrain. The vision is continuously searching the targets. Once the target was recognised by the vision, the distance to the target 
would be computed and according to the defined strategy the dynamic platform would be pursued its journey toward the final 
destination. A stationary vision was set up on the terrain due to assist, detect, and extract any unknown objects at the terrain. This 
vision was used for navigation and mapping as well. The idea behind the developing of this system was based on invention of a 
system, which was able to implement a number of defined activities under Mobile Mapping application in real time without any 
Introduction of new techniques and sensors to photogrammetry 
at all, or to close range photogrammetry particularly, has given 
an opportunity to renovate the conventional methods of 
photogrammetry and create new methods. It is a great 
gratefulness to other groups of sciences for their inventions and 
researches, which cause to introduce a new era to 
photogrammetry. Whit utilising the application of new 
techniques, new terms have been materialized in 
photogrammetry. Terms of Machine Vision, Robot Vision, 
Videometric, Mobile Mapping, UAV, etc were unknown at late 
1880s or early of 1990s, but with introduction of CCD camera, 
digital image processing, introduction of a range of sensors, 
techniques of remotely controlling a vehicle, and new 
inventions in electronic and computer, these terms have been 
gradually appeared in photogrammetry and attracted many 
With increasing of demands on utilizing vision systems for 
implementation of their applications on navigation, 
measurement, and assessment, makes an opportunity for 
photogrammetry to develop its capability in unconventional 
methods. Consequently, new methods are created in order to 
answer those demands; however, the new methods are involving 
new issues. Particularly, the new methods have to be assessed 
prior to implementation due to improving their reliability 
according to requested standards. Unfortunately, the new 
methods cannot be dealt like conventional methods, and for 
utilising of new method, it needs to develop a strategy regarding 
to methods of imagery. 
Camera calibration is a critical process, which is constantly 
requested to improve the reliability of photogrammetry process 
and accuracy of outputs, and the mathematical modelling of 
camera calibration is based on collinearity equations. 
Collinearity equations have been developed based on this theory, 
which all rays emitted or reflected from an object are travelling 
in straight lines and will converge on the principle point of a 
camera and then they will diverge to make an image of the 
object on a plan behind the camera. Camera calibration for 
aerial photogrammetry and conventional photogrammetry can 
be fulfilled once prior or after of image acquiring. Aerial and 
conventional photogrammetry is using stereo imagery and the 
elevations of all images are roughly equal, once camera 
calibration’s parameters were computed, they can be used for 
all images. In contrast, at non-conventional photogrammetry the 
distances of objects from camera are not equal, the depth of 
view is dramatically changing as well as baseline, and 
consequently camera calibration’s parameters are changing 
from one image to another image. Therefore, it is very 
important to update all elements of camera calibration at the 
time of imagery. It is the most disadvantages for a close range 
photogrammetric project due to computing camera calibration 
in this quantity. In some cases self-calibration has been advised 
Fraser et al (1995), Fryer (1996), but self-calibration does not 
exclude this amount of calibration and the issue still remains. In 
some cases, pre-calibration and post-calibration have been 
recommended El-Hakim (1996), Shortis et al (1995), but this 
strategy includes some issues, which declines the reliability of 
whole process. 
This paper is a report on developing a method of navigation 
based on Mobile Mapping at real time. A system consists of 
vision system, image processing, and server. Two vision 
systems have been employed; the first one has had stationary 
position, and the second one is set up on a dynamic platform. 
The stationary vision system is designed to monitor the terrain 
for detecting any object and navigation purpose. The second 
vision system is used for navigation. Images of the stationary 
vision are downloaded on a map of the terrain in order to 
position of and object on the terrain according to the map. 
Indeed, the map has been used for positioning of any object on 
the terrain. The map can be updated time by time, but not in a 
very large amount. Only limited information has been amended

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