Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
would be sent the order to the mechanical compartment to 
approach the unknown object. The mechanical compartment 
moves towards the unknown object; meantime, non-stationary 
vision is searching the targes in order to calculate the distances 
between the second part and the targes. Once the target has been 
recognised and the distance has been calculated a new order will 
be transferred to the mechanical compartment. The new order is 
adopted based on the second part, which is moving in right 
route or it needs to give correction to the system, and possibly it 
needs to turn right or left at a certain distance according to the 
A number of tests were fulfilled and all outcomes were precise 
and astonishing. The system significantly recognise an 
unknown vehicle in the terrain and dispatch a vehicle towards 
the location. There is no mistake by the system and all positions 
were defined precisely. The lack of mechanical performance of 
the mechanical part made a little bit issue, which was 
completely out of hand; however, by utilising the non-stationary 
cameras it was endeavoured to reduce this issue. 
This is a unique system with a distinctive method, which 
distinguish the system from other similar system. The system is 
very precise and robust and can process in real time. Especially, 
the system has a lot of potentials, which can be utilised in a 
number of sites for enormous mobile Mapping applications. 
This system can be utilised in indoor sites as well as outdoor 
sites. As another significant advantage of the system does 
independent from other positioning systems such as GPS and 
INS. The independency gives a unique characteristic to the 
system and distinguishes the system from other similar systems. 
This system can be implemented for multiple applications such 
as, civilian services, construction sites, confined spaces, and 
industrial sites. 
Figure 2. a: A typical Convergence-Upside-down image. 
Figure 2. b: A typical Upright image 
Figure 2. c: A typical Convergence image.

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