Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
mation process will lead to invalidated statistical joint or single 
hypotheses tests. The degree of complexity is further enhanced 
when both Oi and fio are unknown (this is the common situa 
tion in statistics) and have to be estimated from the data. The 
estimated GLSE (or two stage Aitken estimator) is given by: 
x = (A'ftr'A^A (13) 
This estimator is neither linear due the fact that fix and v are cor 
related, nor does it have known finite sample properties in gen 
eral. At least it can be said that x is a consistent estimator of 
x whenever the matrix series (f2i)£° converges in probability to 
fio due Slutsky’s theorem (Greene, 2007). For sure it is impos 
sible to estimate fio directly because of the 0.5N(N + 1) free 
parameters within that VC-matrix (N: Number of observations). 
The authors adopt two well known robust covariance estimation 
procedures from econometrics to circumvent the direct estima 
tion problem. The idea is quite simple: Seeking a consistent es 
timator for A, instead of estimating a restricted 
version of the true VC-matrix of the population. This matrix con 
tains only 0.5n(n + 1) free parameters whereas n is referred the 
number of components in x (n: Number of unknown parame 
ters). Assuming that fio is a positive definite diagonal matrix 
(without an autocorrelation pattern) and fix = I is the best ini 
tial approximation over the underlying HS pattern, the approach 
will coincide with White’s heteroscedasticity consistent estimator 
(White, 1980). Furthermore, the only restrictions on fio are given 
by symmetry and positive definiteness, which lead to the het 
eroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent estimator of Newey 
and West (1986). The estimation process is carried out in the fol 
lowing way: 
1. Using Equation 13 whereas fix represents the stochastic model 
and the best approximation of fio (fii: VC-matrix estimated 
by VCE). 
2. Estimating the true VC-matrix of x by 
V(x)hc - (A'fi^Ar'iVA'nr'A)- 1 (14) 
with E 0 = A'n^ 1 'i 0 nr 1 A 
* 0 = Diag(v 2 ) 
and assuming a HC pattern as well as abstaining from any 
autocorrelation within the disturbances only. 
3. Estimating the true VC-matrix of x by 
V(X)hac = (A / nr 1 A)~ 1 Ei(A / iir 1 A)- 1 (15) 
with E i = [e 0 + f ij 
f > =£?-.(' -iti) 
■ E,=j+i( a iV.Vi-ja'_ j + ai-jVi-jVia'i) 
p — floor ^4(iV/100) 2 / 9 j 
and assuming a general dispersion pattern. The row vector a t 
is the z th row of A := WA where W contains the recipro 
cals of y/\7 whereas y/Xi is the z* eigenvalue of fix. This is 
due to a spectral decomposition of fix (extension of the HAC 
estimator on heterogeneous observations). 
Since both VC-estimators are consistent for the true f2 of the pop 
ulation (Newey and West, 1986; White, 1980) all single and joint 
hypotheses tests are valid for the asymptotic case. 
5.1 Experiment 1: Functional Model 
To show the improved parameter accuracies and reliability of the 
estimation, simulated and real data (Figure 3) with (i) high inten 
sity contrast, (ii) high range contrast and (iii) balanced contrast 
between both channels have been used. Furthermore, trials with 
and without a range offset were performed. This configuration 
should show the influence of different functional models on the 
shift and scale parameters. 
Figure 3: Some 3-D camera intensity (top) and range (down) im 
ages. (a): Synthetic data, (b): Real data with measuring 
marks, (c): Human hand, (d): Human head. 
A synthetic data set has been created in order to determine the in 
fluences of different functional models accurately. These data are 
simply noisy (G gv — 1000 bit; o rv = 100 bit), but no system 
atic errors occur (e.g. measurement uncertainties due to surface 
conditions, background illumination or multipath effects). Real 
data have been captured by the SwissRanger SR-3000 with con 
stant integration time (it = 20.2 ms) and modulation frequency 
(mf — 20.0 MHz). After exploring the potential of 2.5-D LST 
with synthetic data, those experiments reflect the results, which 
can be expected in practical use. 
For single channel estimation it is obvious that insufficient con 
trast in intensity or range observations will result in non 
convergence of the solution vector. This is a general problem 
of LSM: As the covariance matrix is generated from observations 
with stochastic properties, the estimated standard deviations (SD) 
of the transformation shift components will generally be too op 
timistic, and correlations between parameters, indicating singu 
larities caused by insufficient patch-gradients will often not be 
detected (Maas, 2002). 
Consequently the adjustment is stabilized, if one of the channels 
provides sufficient contrast in both coordinate directions. Even 
though it contains low information, the corresponding intensity 
or range signal is not discarded but has some influence on the 
adjustment in the form of a slight improvement of shift and scale 
parameters against single channel estimation with high contrast 
(approx. 5.0% for <7ao,bo and 20.0% for cr a x,62)- Therewith, the 
entire available'information is used. 
An improvement in scale adjustment can be achieved for signif 
icant depth variations between template and search patch, inde 
pendent of even or uneven range patches (approx. 50.0% for 
An optimal 2.5-D LST solution can be achieved, if intensity and 
range channel provide sufficient contrast. The SD for shift param 
eters (j a0 ,6o are within a range of '/so to '/25 pixel for real data. A 
range offset can be determined with a relative accuracy of 0.25 % 
of the whole distance do. 
The following section presents results of several experiments and 
shows the effects of different functional and stochastic LST mod 
A measure of the quality of the introduced functional model pro 
vide the SD of the adjusted observations d gv ^ rv . Those values 
range around 100 bit for the intensity channel and 10 bit for the 
range one. Specific details on the order of magnitude (16 bit- 
range) will be given in Section 5.2.

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