Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
(a) Without (b) With 
Figure 12. Range image without and with amplitude threshold 
A test on amplitude threshold was conducted with various 
integration times using the grey flat target and the estimated 
distance with the nominal distance of the target to the range 
camera of lm. We observed a little effect on the measurement 
precision, i.e. the standard deviation of the residual, by 
amplitude threshold. However, in terms of its accuracy, 
amplitude threshold provided a better measurement accuracy as 
shown in Figure 13. 
■♦—without amplitude thr. —I with amplitude thr. 
Figure 13. Estimated distance with and without amplitude 
threshold vs. Integration time 
Metric performance of a 3D range camera, SwissRanger SR- 
3000, was extensively evaluated in terms of its precision and its 
hardware setting values such as warming-up time, integration 
time and amplitude threshold. 
We reported that a large variation in the measurement precision 
within the distance of an object to the camera smaller than 
70cm. In addition, in the case of a distance greater than 1.75m, 
the integration time of 30ms provides a maximum of 1cm 
precision. However, note that all the experiments in this paper 
were conducted with a flat target, not with general objects. In 
addition, we recommend users to use a photogrammetric 
calibration method to remove a lens distortion effect as shown 
in Figure 6, which will be our future works on this new 
photogrammetry tool. 
A simple Matlab-GUI SwissRanger Interface program used in 
this paper is freely available for research-related works. If any 
one is interested, please contact either Kwang-Ho Bae or 
Christoph Weyer. 
This work has been in part supported by the Cooperative 
Research Centre for Spatial Information, whose activities are 
funded by the Australian Commonwealth's Cooperative 
Research Centres Programme. The first author thanks to The 
Institute for Geoscience Research (TIGeR) at Curtin University 
of Technology for a travel grant. 
We thanks to Mr David Belton for his assistance on a diploma 
project by C. Weyer and an undergraduate project by K. Lim. 
We would like to thank Department of Spatial Sciences at 
Curtin University of Technology, Institut für Photogrammetrie 
und Fernerkundung at Universität Karlsruhe and Prof. Dr.-Ing. 
Maria Hennes. 
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