The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008
2.3.3 Expression of Time Series Transition
Since crowds flow pattern changes at every moment, it is
necessary to adjust the time interval how previous frames
should be dealt with (e.g. a minute, an hour or a day). In order
to adjust time interval flexibly, a leaky bucket algorithm is
applied. For example, if we need to assess the trajectories in the
past 10 seconds, an additional value of one KDE process is
defined as 10, and the added value is subtracted 1 at every
seconds. Therefore, the probability density will be zero after 10
seconds, so that we can adjust the time interval by adjusting the
additional value and subtracting value. Accordingly, if some
pedestrians pass at same position and direction, the probability
density is higher than other places.
3.1 Overview of Experiment
In order to test our proposed system in a real environment, we
conducted an experiment at a concourse of railway station in
Japan. The dimension of the measurement area is about 60m x
30m (Figure 3). In this experiment, we exploited 8 laser
scanners to cover entire target area. In rush hours, over 200
pedestrians occupy the concourse as shown Figure 4.
J Dimension : 60 x 30m j
Platform platform
Rest Room
Ticket Gate
j Store
Measurement Area
Platform Platform
■ Laser Scanner
Figure 3. Layout of 8 laser range scanners
Figure 4. An image of experimental site
3.2 Results of Tracking Pedestrians
Figure 5 shows a result of tracked 69 persons. The line symbols
stand for the obtained trajectories. The validation period is
selected from 7:00 AM to 7:05 AM including congested and not
congested situation. We assess the tracking accuracy as the ratio
of the number of trajectories tracked from entrance to exit
completely. In relatively congested period from 7:00 to 7:02,
the tracking accuracy is 81.2%, and in unoccupied period from
7:02 to 7:05, the accuracy is 88.9%. Conventional researches
using CCD camera could not achieve these accuracy and
successive tracking in wide space and high congested situation.
Figure 5. Tracking result (non-congested period)
Figure 6. Tracking result (congested period)
3.3 Results of Crowds Flow Detection
Figure 7 shows a result of visualization of calculated crowds
flow as a probability density distribution. The sampling data
period is selected from 7:00 AM to 7:10 AM. In this figure, z
axis corresponds to the value of probability density or the
likelihood. In other words, the probability density is in
proportion to the traffic density. The color of crowds flow
stands for the direction that pedestrians walked most frequently.
Figure 8 stands for a result that shows prominently congested
areas. The highlighted areas show where the calculated
congestion index mentioned in section 2.3.2 is over a certain
threshold. These all processes are achieved on the real-time