Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
Figure 3. the flow chart for application of SIT 
in cultural heritage conservation 
3.1 Standards for applying SIT to cultural heritage 
Types of cultural resource along GCC are so diversiform that 
almost all known types of cultural heritages in other places of 
China could be found there, they may be hydraulic facility, 
historical architecture, statue, mausoleum, and so on. It appears 
necessary to set some standards to guide the attempt of get the 
information from remote sensing imagery, surveying results of 
GPS, and make sure the field investigations data, which holds 
the form of tables, graphics and archaeological reports, could be 
imported to the data base correctly. A series of standards are 
designed by experts of information technology, together with 
researchers of cultural resource conservation and professionals 
from field archaeology, including regulations of dada collecting 
with a custom PDA, standards for classifying and coding of 
cultural resources, rules for data types and data structures in 
spatial data base. 
3.2 Information Systems for GCC conservation 
On the basis of studies on key technologies, four information 
systems have been developed to support the conservation of 
GCC, including GIS system of GCC, 3D landscape simulation 
system, conservation planning supporting system, and data 
collecting system for field investigation based on customized 
PDA with GPS module. The first two systems are discussed 
particularly as follows. 
3.2.1 GIS for GCC: A GIS system with two versions is 
developed for GCC conservation, which could be managed on 
desktop or visited via Internet 
(http://geospatial.arch.tsinghua.edu.cn ) respectively, including 
spatial database, fundamental module as functions of general 
GIS system, and extended module for professional user(Figure 
Implementing with the tools of ArcSDE and Oracle lOg, the 
spatial data is organized into three levels with different scales 
(macro, meso and micro). At the macro-level, ETM (14 scenes) 
is used, together with the DLG at the scale of 1:250,000(14 
pages). At the meso-level, there are SPOT 5 (42 scenes) and 
DLG with the scale of 1:50,000 (105 pages). All the spatial data 
at the above two levels respectively covers the extension of the 
canal. At the micro-level, QuickBird imagery is used for seven 
important historical sites or cities along the canal, Beijing (214 
km 2 ), Tianjin (836 km 2 ), Cangzhou (410 km 2 ), Jining (215 km 2 ), 
Liaocheng (315km 2 ), Pizhou (925km 2 ), Hangzhou (321 km 2 ), 
together with DLGs at the scale of 1:10,000(392 pages) which 
also cover the canal with a given buffer. Except for data at the 
three levels, there are many precious old panchromatic air photo 
taken by American air force during the period of World War 2. 
Facing the huge amount of images and datasets, some methods 
are employed to improve the efficiency of the spatial data base 
(Shekhar et al., 2003.). 
Figure 4. The GIS system for GCC conservation 
The GIS system has shown its value in an archaeological 
extraction approved by government, at Nanwang, Shandong 
province. With the help of local archaeologists, we utilize the 
satellite imagery to detect disappearing channels. Moreover the 
GIS system is used to manage the documents and surveying 
datasets, visualize the extraction site, and predict potential 
archaeological site locations. 
3.2.2 3D Simulation System of GCC 
A 3D simulation system is build to modelling the landscape 
along GCC, using the data of DEM and SPOT 5, following the 
methods we have introduced for simulating Jinjiang Basin with 
special corrections (Huang et al., 2006; Pollefeys et al., 2000). 
Regarding to the massive data of this project, Oracle 10g is 
chosen to manage the spatial data and feature attribute, instead 
of the Microsoft Access. There are two attractive characters of 
this system. The first one is the multi-scale simulation and

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