Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
(1) A framework is brought out for applying SIT to conserve 
historical cultural heritage in China, which plays as the 
guideline of our research activities. 
(2) Combined with satellite image of high resolution, early 
panchromatic aerial photography are useful to detect the spatial 
morphological anomalies of GCC caused by modem 
construction activities. 
(3) Multi-scale, multi-source and multi-temporal data are 
necessary to investigate and conserve large-scale historical sites 
with the ability of detect the long evolution trends 
(4) This work has explored the evolutional process of GCC at 
Qingkou district, Huaian city, Shandong province in recent 
sixty years, which shows the great potential of SIT in the 
archaeological prospecting. 
(5) The satellite image was utilized to probe the LUCC of cities 
near GCC, aiming to found the connections between cities and 
GCC, especially in terms of spatial characters. Researchers 
from the field of archaeology and urban study have argued 
about the complex relationship between GCC and the cities near 
by. The ancient status could be only acquired from historical 
literature, while the current changing process can be obtained 
from remote imagery. 
(6) Handheld PDA with the GPS module was used to assist 
conservator investigating GCC in several regions, including 
Beijing city, Tianjin city, Shandong province, Hebei province, 
Jiansu province, Zhejiang province. From Sep. 2007, those 
equipments also have been utilized to facilitate 3rd National 
Cultural Resources Investigation in above regions. 
(7) On the basis of this activity further studies have been 
planned to improve the accuracy of the acquired knowledge to 
extend it to all known cultural heritages along GCC, and to 
validate the framework at the new depth, which will then 
become the reference for conserving large-scale historical sites. 
This study was carried out with the support from National Key 
Technology R&D Program contract research (NO.: 
2006bak30b01). We are grateful to experts from China National 
Institute of Cultural Property and conservation professionals 
from Beijing city, Tianjin city, Shandong province, Hebei 
province, Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang province for their 
professional advices and prominent investigation works. 
Authors also appreciate Prof. Nie from Institute of remote 
sensing applications, CAS, Prof. Tan from China Institute of 
Water Resource and Hydropower Research, and teams under 
their instruction respectively for our wonderful cooperation. 
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