Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
archeology and layout. This paper used five kind of data to 
carry out our research: 
1) < Chorography of Beijing. Chorography of Surveying and 
The chorography was produced by the Qing government at 
1912, it provides the map of Beijing city with the scale of 
1:8500, and we use it to research the history of Hutong in the 
imperial city. 
2) <Beijing History Atlas> 
The atlas describes the graph of Hutong before 1947, it keeps 
the continuity of Hutong well, we use it as the basic graph of 
Hutong in research. 
3) The Digital linear Graph of 1954, 1965, 1980, 2003 
The scale of the DLG of 1954 is 1:5000, the DLG of 1965 and 
1980 is 1:10000, and the DLG of 2003 is 1:500. They were 
mapped by Beijing institute of surveying and mapping (BISM), 
the location of Hutong is very accurate, and we use it as basic 
location data to research Hutong in 1949, 1965, 1980 and 2003. 
4) < Beijing City Streets Map> [4] 
The map was produced from DLG which was surveyed by 
BISM in 1987, and the scale is 1:14000. The difference between 
this data and the graph of 1990 is indistinct. We use it as basic 
graph reference data to research Hutong in 1990. 
5) <The Name Record of alleyway in Beijing imperial city > 
This record was produced by the government of imperial city in 
1965, during this age, Hutong was renamed on a large scale, and 
it built the relationship between the name and position of 
Hutong. We use it as basic name data to research Hutong. 
Besides these data, we carried out our research using DLG 
remote sensing images and toponym data of several typical 
years, reference books [9] etc. 
2.3 The Production of Hutong GIS Data |10] 
The data composed by Hutong GIS data of seven typical years 
(1949, 1965, 1980, 1990, 2003, 2005 and 2007), transition of 
Hutong, famous Hutong and Hutong inside of protection 
regions of history and culture. The flowchart is as Figure 1. 
Figure 1. Production of Hutong GIS data 
2.3.1 Rectify the basic DLG data 
Rectify the DLG of several typical years and that of 1947, 1954, 
1965, 1980, 1987 to Beijing local coordinate, the references are 
DLG of recent years. The software is SuperMap Editor, choose 
several control points equably distributed on both the DLG to 
be rectified and the reference, limit the error of rectify to 1 
The rectify result was taken as basic graph data for the 
production of Hutong GIS data. 
2.3.2 Rectify the remote sensing image 
We know from the layout institution that there has no newly 
built Hutong in 2005 and 2007 inside of the empire city. The 
intention to rectify the remote sensing image is to judge whether 
there exist Hutong being demolished in 2005 and 2007. 
The resolution of QuickBird image is 0.6 meter, which is 
accurate enough for judge whether the Hutong is demolished. 
Rectify the QuickBird image of 2005 and 2007 to Beijing local 
coordinate, the references are DLG of recent years, the software 
is ERDAS IMAGINE. Choose several control points equably 
distributed on both the image to be rectified and the reference, 
limit the error of rectify to 1 meter. 
2.3.3 Collect useful attribute data of Hutong 
Collect and extract useful data from <The Name Record of 
alleyway in Beijing imperial city > and other toponym data, to 
form the table of contents of Beijing Hutong. The result was 
taken as basic attribute reference for the production of Hutong 
GIS data, such as Code, Name, width, length, newly built age, 
demolished age, start location, end location of a Hutong. 
Further more, the data named < Map of Protection Regions of 
History and Culture > is used for producing Hutong GIS data 
inside of the regions of history and culture. 
Write the useful data collected above to the format of Microsoft 
Access, as follows: 
Figure 2. Attribute table of Hutong 
The attribute of “Code” is unique for each Hutong. 
2.3.4 Produce the Hutong GIS data of 7 typical years 
The production of Hutong GIS data is comprised of two parts: 
graph and attribute. 
Firstly, produce the Hutong graph of 1949 using the basic data 
prepared above, and add the “Code” in attribute field; then 
based on the graph of 1949 and the basic data of 1965, produce 
Hutong graph of 1965 by add or delete Hutong, keep the 
consistency of the graph and attribute of “Code”; the method to 
produce Hutong graph in other typical age are as above. The 
software is ArcGIS, data format is shapefile.

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