Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

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The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
Xicheng district of imperial city. The number of Hutong only 
decreased by 7 from 2003 to 2007, this testify the efficiency of 
the protection regions in protecting Hutong from demolished. 
Note: The difference in the number of Hutong between our 
research and other research is due to the scope of research, the 
difference on the definition of Hutong. 
This paper research Hutong in 7 typical years in Beijing 
imperial city of 58 years, from the foundation of PRC in 1949 to 
2007. We produced the Hutong GIS data of 7 typical years, the 
transition GIS data, Famous Hutong GIS data and Hutong 
inside of the protection regions of history and culture GIS data. 
Besides these, a spatial database was built to manage these data. 
The result of our research reflected the current status and history 
transition of Hutong accurately, as follows: 
1) Hutong in Beijing imperial city had sprung up in the 
Yuan dynasty, in 1949, the number of Hutong reached 
the peak. From 1949 to 2007, the number of Hutong 
decreased by 55%. 
2) Hutong demolished at two periods, one is 1990-2003, 
and the other is 2003-2005. Caused by the further 
reformation of economic and society, and the broken up 
on a large number of unsafe houses. 
3) From 2005 to 2007, the decreasing trend of Hutong had 
been hold back effectively, due to the appropriately 
protection by the government. 
4) The number of Hutong inside of the protection regions 
of history and culture keep steadiness, the protection 
regions work effectively in Hutong protection. 
The result of our research provided reliable GIS data for the 
protection of Hutong in Beijing imperial city, provides scientific 
management method for the layout of imperial city, and laid 
stable foundation for further research. Moreover, the foundation 
of spatial database is propitious to the public participant in the 
protection of Hutong, which has society value and application 
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