Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
accurate than other approaches that account for the projective 
distortion due to the orientation of the imaged surface (Zabulis, 
2007). For this reason, approaches that employ sweeping in 
multiple directions (Mordohai et al., 2007) or refine an initial 
estimation obtained by space-sweeping (Zabulis and Kordelas, 
2006) have been proposed. 
The proposed technique, based on spherical sweeping, provides 
higher reconstruction accuracy, especially in the periphery of 
the images (see Zabulis (2007) for an explanation) and, thus, 
the available images are more efficiently utilized. In addition, a 
memory-conserving extension is made to the conventional 
space-sweeping approaches. This extension also facilitates the 
acceleration of the methods, based on a coarse-to-fine depth 
map computation. The importance of memory conservation is 
twofold. First, the memory of conventional PCs is insufficient 
to process high-resolution images and using virtual memory 
renders the process extremely slow. Second, state-of-the-art 
approaches to stereo reconstruction utilize the graphics 
hardware to process large amounts of data processing 
(Mordohai et al., 2007). 
The sweeping procedure, which is similar to plane-sweeping, is 
summarized here briefly. For each depth the images are 
backprojected on the, backprojection surface and locally 
compared. The output of this comparison is a similarity image 
Sj at each depth, whose size is equal to that of the 
backprojection surface. At each iteration i, the pixels in 5, are 
compared to their corresponding pixels in S i+1 and S,-.;. As depth 
increases, the values for a point in the similarity image 
correspond to locations along a ray of visibility from the 
cyclopean eye. The strongest local similarity maximum along 
each such a ray is selected as the optimum depth. The 
requirement for maxima to be local is used to avoid artifacts 
that may occur in the textureless areas of the input images. 
Memory conservation is achieved by tessellating the 
backprojection image into, say, k x k equal spherical segments. 
This tessellation is parameterized along the two spherical 
coordinates that, also, correspond to image width and height. 
The sweeping algorithm is performed independently for each 
such partition. These partitions overlap slightly, in order to 
avoid “blocking artifacts” at their boundaries. The amount of 
overlap is exactly determined by the size of the comparison 
kernel so that a scene point is not reconstructed twice. 
The acceleration of the space-sweeping approach is based on an 
iterative and coarse-to-fine approach that is combined with the 
above memory conservation technique. The image data in each 
iteration are obtained from traditional image pyramids of the 
input images, starting from the smallest image of the pyramid 
and advancing a layer in each iteration; at the last iteration the 
original image is utilized. Also in each iteration, the 
parameterization of the backprojection surface becomes denser. 
As described above, the backprojection surface is tessellated 
and the sweeping algorithm is executed independently for each 
segment. At each iteration, though, each spherical segment is 
re-segmented into k x k more segments. After the 2 nd iteration, 
the range of evaluated depths (c/,) is drastically constrained, 
based on the reconstruction result previously obtained for the 
“parent” segment. 
The obtained depth map is filtered very conservatively (as in 
Mulligan et al., 2004), to suppress artifacts at depth 
discontinuities and remove outliers. By doing so, some valid 
matches are indeed rejected; however, in the utilized multiview 
setup the corresponding points are most likely to be 
reconstructed from another binocular pair. The result is 
spatially quantized as it is too large (<x 10 9 points for 35 views 
of 8Mpix each, in this experiment) to fit in memory. To cope 
with the same limitations the merging process is performed 
volumetrically, by tessellating the reconstruction volume into 
cubical segments. Finally, a thin plate interpolating surface is fit 
(Carr et al., 2001), to yield a mesh outputted into the VRML or 
KML formats. 
In Figure 2, the proposed method is demonstrated for the Dion 
(Greece) archaeological site. In the experiments presented in 
this paper, images were 2448 x 3264, 16-bit per layer, color 
images acquired with a Canon Powershot SLR camera, the 
number of iterations was 5 and the initial tessellation was 3x3. 
The coarse-to-fine refinement factor was 2, so that in each 
iteration: (a) the image rows and columns of the stereo and 
backprojection images were doubled and (b) the number of 
segments was increased by 4. The above scheme was measured 
to provide a speedup of ~50 for the scene of this experiment. 
Figure 2. Coarse-to-fine acceleration scheme, for space 
sweeping methods. Top row shows the reconstructions for the 3 
first iterations of the proposed procedure. In the middle-left an 
original image from a ~40cm baseline stereo pair (left) is shown. 
Others are the views of the RBF interpolated reconstruction 
with and without texture mapping. 
Figure 3 shows the result of an experiment that compares the 
reconstructions obtained from the proposed method in Harris 
and SIFT conditions of the previous section. The images in the 
first 2 rows show the result of the reconstruction for an early 
frame (20 views): in the SIFT condition, a larger proportion of 
the scene is reconstructed. The last row, shows the result of the 
SIFT condition after 35 frames.

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