Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

Walter Schuhr 8 , Erich Kanngieser b 
8 University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg (Germany), -professor@post.com 
b HafenCity University (HCU), Hamburg (Germany), -geomatik@rzcn.haw-hamburg.de 
Commission V, WG V/2 
KEYWORDS: Archaeology, Architecture, Archiving, Camera, Stereoscopic, Spatial Information Sciences, Vision Sciences, 
This paper promotes recording, documentation and application of objective spatial information of Cultural Heritage objects based 
on 3D-photographs. Though stereoviews currently are increasingly adopted in CH, the benefit of gaining a complete additional 
dimension from a systematic monitoring of 3D-photographs for documentation purposes in CH is still underestimated. For 
Heritage recording and documentation purposes it is intended, to replace subjective manual sketches by objective 3Dimagery.As a 
homage to the XXI. ISPRScongress in Beijing, initially masterpieces of rare international Heritage stereoviews are presented, 
including stereoviews of the Silk-Road. Consequently it is reported on International archives and applications of stereoviews. 
This paper also deals with exposing of new stereoviews, preferable by 2 by 2 photographs, including the use of a commercial 
digital stereo-camera from a 15m XLITE carbon telescoperod and from a captive balloon to obtain ground based ultra high 
resolution low altitude aerial stereoviews. This Technology, is an objective photographic documentation tool, well suited under 
expedition constraints. Recently it was introduced on the African Continent. In the following open research topics concerning CH 
stereoviews are stated, including an updated list, claiming completeness regarding virtual 3Dimage Techniques, including, e.g., 
“DOWN UNDER”. Like in the early days of 2Dphotography, we are witnesses of early 3Dpresentations in crystal with low 
radiometric resolution, which might result in an advanced new FELIX3D type PC-Screen generation. The authors, who chair the 
international RecorDIM task Group on Heritage stereoviews like to cooperate in the field of Heritage stereoviews. Their 
noncommercial website 3dsite.icomos.org also is prepared for contacts. 
Starting with samples of masterpieces of rare international 
stereo views and with 3D images for different applications, 
including 3D documentation for heritage purposes shall give 
an idea of the brilliance and of the outstanding documentary 
value of 3D imagery. 
As a homage to the ISPRS Congress 2008 in Beijing, China, 
Figure 1 shows a 3D masterpiece of the famous Xi’an 
monument indicating the starting point of the silk road in the 
Figure 1. Masterpiece of a 3D strip image of the starting point of the Silk road in Xi’an (China), presented in the DOWN UNDER 
mode (for Autostereoscopic view use a horizontal mirror to project the right image beside the left image as invented by 
Schuhr/Kanngieser (2004))

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