Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
pack properties from the intensity values. Similarly, over wet 
sand in comparison to dry sand, backscatter strength is smaller. 
For the relative orientation of TLS data acquired from different 
stand points Wendt and Heipke (2006) have proposed using the 
intensities. They suggested a 1/r 2 correction factor before using 
the intensity images in matching procedures. While this factor 
can be justified theoretically, our work shows that it may not be 
optimal. In any case, quality figures estimated in the matching 
process will measure more of the actual texture similarity and 
less of the device influences, if calibration methods are applied 
to the data in advance. Also the visual appearance of laser 
scanning intensity images can possibly be improved by 
applying calibration procedures. 
The ranging precision depends on the amount of backscattered 
energy, as higher energy levels lead to a higher signal-to-noise 
ratio, because the background noise can be considered as 
constant. The question arises, how much of the ranging 
precision depends on distance and on object brightness. 
Finally, studying the intensity values is a means of 
investigating the laser scanners as such and improves the 
understanding of the measurement process. In the airborne case, 
but also for terrestrial laser ranging, pulsed systems use the 
intensity values for correcting the raw travel-time observation. 
This correction may become as big as a decimeter (personal 
communication), and it is the original motivation for recording 
the intensity. This, but also noise behavior, may become 
relevant in geometric calibration procedures. 
Not all of these hypotheses will be investigated within this 
paper, but they show that there is a potential for using the 
intensity values. Especially the possibility to infer reflectivity 
of targets which are i) planar and have ii) known reflectivity 
behavior will be investigated. This builds the base for the other 
items of the above list. 
3.1 Model driven approach 
The basic equation for describing the strength of the backscatter 
from an object surface is the Lidar (light detection and ranging) 
equation (Jelalian, 1992). It relates the emitted optical power P E 
to the received optical power P R . 
Pr = Pe Dr / (4n p E 2 r 4 ) CT TlAtmTlSys (1) 
The term a is the backscattering cross section and is a product 
of the directional reflection strength (p D ) and the area of the 
object. p E is the beam divergence, r the range, Dr the receiving 
aperture diameter, and the q-terms describe atmospheric and 
system transmission. If the reflecting surface is larger than the 
laser footprint, then the object is called an extended target. This 
removes the beam divergence from the equation and introduces 
a 1/r 2 dependency of the emitted power as opposed to 1/r 4 . 
Pr - Pe Dr / ( (4r) 2 ) p D qAtmHsys (2) 
This equation can be simplified further under the assumption, 
that the target is a perfect Lambertian reflector. In that case the 
backscatter strength depends on the (Lambertian) target 
reflectivity p and the angle of incidence a. 
P R = n Pe p cos(a) / (4r 2 ) q Atm q Sy s (3) 
Knowing the emitted and the received power, and having 
measured the range and intensity value, allows determining the 
product p-cos(a). For smooth surfaces the angle of incidence 
may be estimated from a local surface model, which can be 
obtained by surface fitting to the neighbouring points. In ALS 
this has already proven successful (Hôfle and Pfeifer, 2007). 
The above equations furthermore idealize the emitter-receiver 
configuration and therefore are not valid in close proximity of 
the sensor itself. The beam profile is more complex, too. It is 
minimal at the beam waist and a linear increase of the footprint 
is only given at larger distances (Young, 2000). 
In addition, emitter and receiver are assumed to be coaxial as in 
a strictly monostatic system. To avoid optical cross talk, emitter 
and detector are often separated (Ingensand, 2006). Thus, 
different fields of view (FoV) of detector and emitter have to be 
considered. Their opening angle and their direction can be 
different, and (see above) there is a small “base” between them. 
Depending on the i) geometrical configuration and the ii) range, 
the visibility of the beam footprint for the detector may run 
through the following stages: not visible - partly visible - fully 
visible - partly visible - not visible. This effect is overlaid to the 
1/r 2 decrease of received energy. A simplified simulation is 
shown in Figure 1. As it is demonstrated the received energy 
starts increasing with increasing range, because more and more 
of the footprint gets into sight. For larger ranges it starts 
decreasing again, because most of the footprint is visible 
already, and the decay of received power with 1/r 2 is stronger. 
An in-depth discussion of this “form factor” can be found in 
Riegl and Bernhard (1974) and Stelmaszczyk et al. (2005). 
Figure 1. Simplified simulation of the effect of partly 
overlapping footprints. Beam diameter at exit: 3mm, 
beam divergence: 0.35mrad. The beam energy is 
distributed according to a Gaussian bell curve, and no 
energy is assumed to be outside of the circle where the 
energy drops to 1/e 2 . Base between emitter and receiver 
centre: 3cm, parallel axes, detector diameter: 3cm, 
opening angle: lmrad. The dashed curve shows the 
portion of the visible footprint in the detector FoV. The 
solid light gray line shows the portion of footprint 
energy visible in the detector FoV. The footprint starts 
getting into sight at a range of 20m and is fully visible 
from 50m onwards. The thin, dash-dotted black curve 
shows the theoretical 1/r 2 decay of received power 
according to Eq. (1), and the dark gray curve the 
combined effect. 
The effects of beam waist, detector aperture, and base, can be 
considered, provided these parameters are known. Servicing of 
the device may lead to new values, and long term stability may 
not necessarily be given. Additionally, these parameters may

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