Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

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The analysis is performed with use of the well known 2-D FE 
geotechnical software PHASE2-V.6.0 developed initially for 
tunnel design from the Rocscience Inc. (2006). 
Indeed, the analysis is performed on relatively simplified 
section of the 3-D model. Therefore fast parametric 
investigation of structural parameters is allowed. It is obvious 
from the results that distortion recorded from the accurate 
method is in good agreement with the performed back-analysis. 
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
The analysis on this section is performed for evaluation of 
potential effect of the filling on the north wall in contact. For 
the analysis, the PHASE2-V.6.0 software is also used. The 
simplified 2-D FE model for geostructural response of 
Arrephorion is shown on figure 12, while, typical results of the 
analyses are presented in figure 13. 
B. The effect of Arrephorion reburial on the North wall: 
As in the previous case, the calculations are also performed on 
relatively simplified section of the 3-D model, in order to allow 
the fast parametric investigation of structural parameters. 
The Arrephorion monument was reburied with use of selected 
granular soil and geosynthetics (reinforced soil) according to 
the relevant geotechnical study (Egglezos, 2006). Between the 
face of the fill and the inner face of the North wall of 
Arrephorion an extremely deformable sheet of synthetic 
material has been installed for protection from potential 
earthquake movement of the fill. The characteristic section for 
the analysis is showed on figure 11. The reburial is based on 
general geotechnical design principles (Bowles 1996, Kavvadas 
2002, Abramson 2001 etc), and on methods for design of 
reinforced soil embankments (Koemer 1998, Leshchinsky 1989 
and 1995). For the calculations the Forslope 1.2 software code 
was used. 
From the results derives the efficient design of the reburial 
(maximum displacement of north wall crest in contact less than 
7 mm). 
The analyses presented herein are only preliminary tasks for the 
selection of proper modelling and parameters aiming at the 
Stability Design of the circuit wall. It is clear that strict 
dynamic elastoplastic analysis of characteristic areas of the wall 
are very likely to benefit from the accurate geometric 
information/documentation provided from the 3-D surface 
model (both for the general structure and the structural blocks 
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