Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

Ronny Hansch, Olaf Hellwich 
Berlin Institute of Technology, Computer Vision and Remote Sensing 
Franklinstrasse 28/29, Office FR3-1, 10587 Berlin, Germany. 
Tel. +49 30-314 73 107, Fax. +49 30-314 21 104, E-mail: rhaensch@fpk.tu-berlin.de 
KEY WORDS: SAR, Segmentation, Polarization, Algorithms, Multiresolution, Spatial 
Image segmentation has the general goal to define regions within an image, in which all pixels have similiar properties. For fully- 
polarimetric SAR data this is often done by spectral classification without any use of spatial information. On the contrary the proposed 
method aims to find homogenous segments in the image, which should be compact and connected if possible. A multiresolution 
image pyramid allows to calculate information based on regions of different size instead of single pixels or small neighbourhoods. 
Furthermore, a relaxation approach is used to defer the segmentation decisions until more accurate information is available. 
Image segmentation is an important preprocessing step in many 
applications. Numerous tasks such as classification, object de 
tection and so forth can be achieved much more easily and accu 
rately given an appropriate segmentation. 
Due to the coherent nature of SAR sensors homogeneous ar 
eas are no longer homogeneous in the image, but contain strong 
multiplicative distortions. This speckle effect poses severe prob 
lems to spatial segmentation algorithms. A lot of work is done 
for radiometric classification without using any spatial informa 
tion, e.g. (Lee et al., 1997, Ferro-Famil et al., 2001, Anfinsen et 
al„ 2007, Hansch et al., 2008) and there are very few approches 
that try to combine spatial context and radiometric evidence as in 
(Reigber et al., 2007). 
In this paper, the segmentation algorithm proposed in (Hong and 
Rosenfeld, 1984) is used to automatically derive the hierachical 
structure of an image of fully-polarimetric SAR data. It is based 
on a multiresolution image pyramid with the original image at 
the base. Each higher level of the pyramid contains the image in 
a lower resolution. The different resolutions are obtained by sim 
ply averaging pixels in overlapping windows of certain size dur 
ing the initialisation. Due to the overlap and window size each 
element in the pyramid has several parents (at the next higher 
level) and descendents (at the lower level). 
Most algorithms for segmentation work with hard decisions: that 
means, each pixel is uniquely assigned to a certain cluster or seg 
ment. Other methods, which merge or split regions, have to de 
cide for each region whether to split or to merge it. Because the 
true segments or clusters are apriori unknown, such hard deci 
sions will be erroneous for some pixels. That is why the forced- 
choice aspect of segmentation has, in practice, a negative influ 
ence on the final segmentation result. Particulary, if it is difficult 
to undo wrong decisions made at the beginning. The algorithm 
presented avoids this by labelling links between each element and 
its parents with a certain link strength, representing the degree of 
association between node and parent. This association is based on 
a distance measure between the value of this pixel and the values 
of its parents. As this algorithm is applied to fully-polarimetric 
SAR data a distance measure is chosen, which respects the statis 
tical properties of such data and is based on the Wishart distribu 
tion. Having established a set of weights, pixels at higher levels 
can be updated by the weighted average of the values of their de 
The entire process is then iterativly repeated until convergence, 
at which point a segmentation can be extracted. Some pixels in 
the pyramid will have small link strengths to all of their parents. 
They form independent subtrees in the pyramid and represent the 
searched segments. 
2.1 Fully-polarimetric SAR data 
Fully-polaritmetric SAR data measure amplitude and phase of the 
backscattered signal in four different transmit and receive polari 
sation combinations. However, a common assumption is that the 
cross polarisations are the same due to the reciprocity of natural 
targets. Therefore each data point is a three dimensional vector s: 
s = (Shh , V2S hv,Svv) (1) 
where Srt is a complex component of the scattering matrix and 
R £ {H, V} is the receive and T £ {H, V} is the transmit po 
Often the data is represented as spatially averaged sample covari 
ance matrix in order to reduce speckle and get more statistical 
c = - V Sisf (2) 
n z ' 
where H denotes the conjugate transpose and n is the number 
of samples used for averaging. If the distribution of s is a mul 
tivariate complex Gaussian with zero mean, which is a standard 
assumption when dealing with fully-polarimetric SAR data, the 
sample covariance matrix C of s is complex Wishart distributed. 
s ~ ZV(0,£) C ~ W(n,£) 

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