Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Although the segments obtained will tend to stay compact (con 
trary to regions gained e.g. by spectral clustering where no spatial 
information is used) they do not have to be connected. The root of 
a subtree at a high level covers a large area within the image and 
can thus connect regions, which are neither close to each other 
nor connected, but have similiar spectral properties. Another im 
portant feature is that the number of segments is exclusivly based 
on the given data. Neither an exact number has to be set, nor a 
maximum number, because the number of segments is a direct 
result of the algorithm. 
As the proposed method was designed to segment homogeneous 
areas, one of its limits is shown in Figure 4. It is not able to con 
sider a heterogeneous image area like regions with strong tex 
ture as one segment. Such a region (e.g. cities or forests with 
great fluctuations in height and/or changes in backscatter proper 
ties due to different vegetation) will be segmented in many small 
regions. Future work will include the analysis of all regions in 
a more rigorous way than the above mentioned simple merging 
algorithm to overcome this disadvantage. 
Figure 4: top: original; middle: segmentation; bottom: segment 
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