Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
From the Tab. 4 we can find that the pre-filtering nearly had no 
obvious impact on the coherence and interferogram because all 
the indexes are almost unchanged. 
4.4 Conclusion 
For the interferometry, time interval and spatial perpendicular 
baseline are the most important error sources. In the Tab. 2, we 
can find that the temporal baseline is not long, meanwhile the 
spatial baseline is also not large. Thus the decorrelation 
generated by temporal and spatial baseline are nearly ignored. 
Exclude the temporal and spatial decorrelation, we initially 
guessed that the speckle is also an important error source which 
will destroy the interferometric result. However, the result- both 
the figures (Fig. 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) and the tables (Tab. 4) did not 
validate what we expected that the pre-processing to the SAR 
pair can improve the coherence and the quality of interferogram. 
According to the statistics of the master and slave image, the 
minimum, maximum, mean, and the standard derivation of the 
amplitude make a great deal of difference, which maybe 
represent the stability of the board and ground imaging system. 
From the case study, we can draw a conclusion that if we 
encounter the situation of great difference between 
interferometric pair, the removal of speckle noise is not the first 
choice to solve the problem of interferometric phase map with 
low quality even although the time and space baseline are very 
small. We guess that the hardware may be one of the most 
fundamental causes of low coherence in this case study. 
Our next work is to investigate whether the removal of speckle 
noise has impact on coherence and quality of interferometric 
phase on the condition of little difference between master and 
slave amplitude. 
This work is supported by Science & Technology Commission 
of Shanghai Municipality (06DZ22101), and the Knowledge 
Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 
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