Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

3.1 Evaluation of the quality of DEMs 
The DEMs generated by the HS and the SM modes 
have a range of elevation of 4800m-5550m and 4850m- 
5500m, respectively for the analysis in the present 
study area. For the same AOIs, the elevation range of 
SRTM data is 4800-6050m. From this result, the 
minimum elevation of TerraSAR-X DEMs is near but 
their maximum elevation value is not close to the 
reference DEM. In the northern part of the image of 
HS-DEM, there is also an area with no data value. The 
expected cause might have been due to interruptions 
from the topography of the radar signal from the 
satellite. The end and side of the moraine are 
recognizable in HS-DEM and SM-DEM. In addition, it 
is also visible that the end-moraine of Lake Imja meets 
with other glacier’s side-moraine in SM-DEM. 
Figure 6. DEM generated by TerraSAR-X images SM-mode. 
Figure 7. Coherence image generated by TerraSAR-X images, 
SM-mode, SM-CC. 
Figure 4. DEM generated by TerraSAR-X images, HS-mode. 
Figure 5. Coherence image generated by TerraSAR-X images, 
HS-mode, HS-CC. 
Figure 8. SRTM-DEM. 
3.2 Validation of the detailed area. 
Detailed validation of the zones were focused on areas 
A and B, and we tried to evaluate the qualitative 
accuracy of DEMs generated by TerraSAR-X images. 
The areas selected for validation were the end moraine 
of Lake Imja (A) and a flat area located in the western 
part of the lake (B). The reasons for selecting these two 
areas were: 
(i) To confirm whether the end moraine could be 
distinguished or not by the DEMs.

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