Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Number of band: 49 
Figure 3: Spatial simplification: Comparing the filtering result of 
ADF, ML (channel by channel process) and the proposed vecto 
rial AML. Two line plots with the cross-sections along the y-axis 
of the different filters are shown for bands #49 (top) and #64 
(down). The proposed AML did simplify the initial image by en 
larging and creating new flat zones and at the same time followed 
more constantly and closely original image’s intensity values and 
variation. AML did retain all its elegant 2D properties. 
smoother hypercubes in 7Z :i . The constructed levelings are re 
9i=Z, 92 = A(gi,hi), g 3 = A(52,h 2 ), 
54 = A(53 j ^3) j ••• j 9n — A(c7 n _i, h n —i) 
A series g n of simpler and simpler hypercubes, with fewer and 
fewer smooth zones are produced forming a 4D scale space with 
g : Cl C TZ 4 and g(x,y,z,n) = g n (x,y,z). Similar to the 
2D case the introduced, here, vectorial morphological levelings 
AMLs can be associated to an arbitrary or an alternating family 
of marker functions. Examples with openings, closings, alter 
nate sequential filters and isotropic and anisotropic markers can 
be found in the literature for scalar images [Meyer, 1998, Meyer 
and Maragos, 2000, Meyer, 2004, Karantzalos et al., 2007]. For 
specific tasks one may take advantage of the possible prior knowl 
edge for scene’s content and design accordingly the family of 
3.2 Anisotropic Diffused Markers 
For the construction of the simplified hypercubes anisotropic dif 
fused markers were chosen, since they have proven to be effec 
tive for scalar images [Karantzalos et al., 2007]. In addition, 
since levelings are highly constrained by the type of the marker 
used [Meyer and Maragos, 2000], only those markers who are 
fully suitable for hyperspectral imagery were appropriate for our 
case. The recent formulations of [Martin-Herrero, 2007] provide 
a suitable diffusion framework which respects the special char 
acteristics of hyperspectral data by separating the elegant vector- 
10 20 30 4Q SO 60 /0 
Band Number 
Spectral Cross Section 
Figure 4: Spectral simplification: Comparing the filtering result 
of ADF, ML and AML. Two line plots with the cross-sections 
along the spectral axis of the different filtered hypercubes are 
shown. The proposed AML did surpassed broad spectral varia 
tions (spike-like features) among adjacent spectral signatures and 
at the same time followed more constantly the initial intensity. 
valued diffusion approach of [Tschumperle and Deriche, 2005] 
in the spatial and spectral space. For a hypercube 2 : Cl <Z TZ 3 
the anisotropic diffusion process is expressed by the following 
— = trace(TH) (5) 
with H and T the 3x3 Hessian and diffusion tensor matrices, re 
spectively. The tensor separates the diffusion in the spatial and 
spectral directions while suitable edge-stoping functions Ti con 
trol the diffusion: 
T = r x 0+0+ + r yO-d'E. + r z zz T (6) 
with 9 the eigenvectors of a 2x2 metric tensor D which depends 
on the spatial derivatives: 
D = Ga * ^2 VliVI? (7) 
where G a is a gaussian smoothing for regularizing the spatial 2D 
derivatives of V7 at every channel N. In [Martin-Herrero, 2007] 
the edge stoping functions 7~i, which act differently in the spa 
tial and spectral directions, have been defined in such a way so 
as to allow all possible adjustments regarding their regularization 
effect. One should tune all the coefficients according to image 
characteristics and the filtering purpose. For a scale space repre 
sentation, however, where 
J : Cl C TZ 4 , 2(x,y, z,n) = l n {x,y,z) (8) 
(n is the scale of diffusion) one may avoid tuning the vector 
edge strength n(v) -with v = -^/trace(D)- and rely on the

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