Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

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fing 2008 
H. Ozen 2, *, N. Musaoglu b , O. Tiiysuz c , 
a TUBITAK UZAY, METU Campus, 06531 Ankara, Turkey, hilal.ozen@uzay.tubitak.gov.tr 
b ITU, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department, Civil Engineering Faculty, 34469 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey. 
c ITU, Eurasian Institute of Earth Sciences, 34469 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey, tuysuz@itu.edu.tr 
KEY WORDS: Mapping, Hyperspectral, Field Spectroscopy, Laboratory Spectroscopy, Calibration, Proba CHRIS Image Data 
Remote sensing provides a valuable basis for regional geological mapping. This study aims for the mapping of lithological units in 
Eldivan-Qankiri part of Rankin Basin using hyperspectral remote sensing. A Proba (Project for On-Board Autonomy) CHRIS 
(Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) Level 1A hyperspectral satellite image of the study area is provided by European 
Space Agency (ESA) as a Category-1 LBR (Low bit rate) project for the mapping purposes. A field spectroscopy study at a time 
close to the overpass of the Proba CHRIS satellite has been carried out. Besides, hand specimens have been collected at some sites 
for laboratory spectroscopy study. Quantitative and qualitative information on reflectance properties of geological materials of 
Qankin Basin are extracted from image, field and laboratory spectroscopy study. 
Hyperspectral images can stimulate unique geologic insights in 
mapping. This paper covers the utilization of Proba (Project for 
On-Board Autonomy) CHRIS (Compact High Resolution 
Imaging Spectrometer) hyperspectral image for the 
discrimination of geological features and mapping purposes. In 
this study, the European Space Agency (ESA) provided the 
hyperspectral satellite image, Proba CHRIS Level 1A, of 
Eldivan-Qankiri part of Qankin Basin as a Category-1 LBR 
(Low bit rate) project. A field spectroscopy study at a time 
close to the overpass of the Proba CHRIS satellite has been 
planned and carried out. During the field study hand specimens 
have been collected at the site for the laboratory spectroscopy 
study. The satellite data, field and laboratory spectroscopy data 
are integrated for the processing of the hyperspectral data. 
The study area, Qankin Basin is located in Central Anatolia. It 
is one of the largest Tertiary basins in Turkey. It is a unique 
area to study lithological units resulting from subduction and 
collision processes. It is an easy accessible site. The basin is 
sparsely vegetated. 
The geology and tectonic relations of Qankiri basin have been 
studied and mapped in previous studies by Dellaloglu et al., 
(1992) and by Tiiysiiz et al., (1992, 1993, 1995). The most 
recent study in Qankiri basin is a geological remote sensing 
study by Kaymakgi (2000). He has mapped the lithological 
units in the basin using Landsat TM images. 
The Proba satellite is launched on October 2001. The satellite 
has two earth observing instruments HRC (High Resolution 
Camera) and CHRIS. Since 2004, Proba is operated by ESA 
Redu Ground Station in Belgium. Its CHRIS instrument, is 
Corresponding author. 
funded by the British National Space Centre (BNSC), has been 
built by SIRA Space, UK. 
The earth observing instrument CHRIS has a swath width of 14 
km. CHRIS has 5 different acquisition modes. The mode 1 
image data has 62 spectral bands and a 34 m spatial resolution 
at nadir at 556 km. It is within the spectral range of 405 nm - 
1009 nm and has 7.5 nm as nominal bandwidth. The mode 2, 3, 
4 image data have 18 spectral bands and mode 5 has 37 bands 
with 17 m spatial resolution at nadir. At each mode 5 images of 
the same area are taken with various acquisition angles: -55, -36, 
0, +36 and +55. 
The most essential part of this study has been the planning of 
the field study. This had to be done during the ESA Category -1 
project proposal. First, the Proba CHRIS image acquisition date 
has been planned as to be suitable for the field spectroscopy 
study and the weather conditions of Central Anatolia. Second, 
the area has been chosen to be easily accessible, lithological 
diverse and not cover an urban area. 
It is important for field spectroscopy to measure an area of 
ground within the image at the time that the satellite passes 
overhead, or at least at a time close to the overpass. The 
acquisition date of the image requested is fixed to be as cloud 
free as possible and suitable for field spectroscopy study. In 
Central Anatolia this is usually Mid-Summer. So, the field 
study is planned at 21-27 July 2006 and the overpass of the 
satellite any day within. The exact day of the satellite overpass 
has been declared two days before the acquisition to be on the 
25.07.2006 by ESA. 
During the field study a field spectrometer, ASD FieldSpec 
HandHeld Pro is used to characterize the reflectance of the site. 

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