Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Bowyer, P. & Danson, F.M. 2004. Sensitivity of spectral 
reflectance to variation in live fuel moisture content at leaf and 
canopy level. Remote Sensing of Environment, 92(3), pp. 297- 
Carter, G.A. & Knapp, A.K. 2001. Leaf optical properties in 
higher plants: Linking spectral characteristics to stress and 
chlorophyll concentration. American. Journal of Botany., 88(4), 
pp. 67-684. 
Chen, J.M., Pavlic, G., Brown, L., Cihlar, J., Leblanc, S.G., 
White, H.P., Hall, R.J., Peddle, D.R., King, D.J., Trofymow, 
J.A., Swift, E., Van Der Sanden, J. & Pellikka, P.K.E. 2002. 
Derivation and validation of Canada-wide coarse-resolution leaf 
area index maps using high-resolution satellite imagery and 
ground measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 80(1), 
Franklin, J.F., Spies, T.A., Pelt, R.V., Carey, A.B., Thornburgh, 
D.A., Berg, D.R., Lindenmayer, D.B., Harmon, M.E., Keeton, 
W.S., Shaw, D.C., Bible, K. & Chen, J. 2002. Disturbances and 
structural development of natural forest ecosystems with 
silvicultural implications, using Douglas-fir forests as an 
example. Forest Ecology and Management, 155(1-3), pp. 399- 
Gitelson, A. & Merzlyak, M.N. 1994. Spectral relfectance 
changes associated with autumn senescence of Aesculus 
hippocastanum L. and Acer platanoides L. leaves. Spectral 
features and relation to chlorophyll estimation. Journal of Plant 
Physiology, 143(3), pp. 286-292. 
Jach, M.E. & Ceulemans, R. 2000. Effects of season, needle 
age and elevated atmospheric C02 on photosynthesis in Scots 
pine (Pinus sylvestris). Tree Physiology, 20(3), pp. 145-157. 
Jacquemoud, S., Bacour, C., Poilve, H. & Frangi, J.P. 2000. 
Comparison of four radiative transfer models to simulate plant 
canopies reflectance: Direct and inverse mode. Remote Sensing 
of Environment, 74(3), pp. 471-481. 
Jacquemoud, S., Ustin, S.L., Verdebout, J., Schmuck, G., 
Andreoli, G. & Hosgood, B. 1996. Estimating leaf biochemistry 
using the PROSPECT leaf optical properties model. Remote 
Sensing of Environment, 56(3), pp. 194-202. 
Jonasova, M. & Prach, K. 2004. Central-European mountain 
spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests: Regeneration of tree 
species after a bark beetle outbreak. Ecological Engineering, 
23(1), 15-27. 
Jia, G.J., Burke, I.C., Goetz, A.F.H., Kaufmann, M.R. & Kindel, 
B.C. 2006. Assessing spatial patterns of forest fuel using 
AVIRIS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 102(3-4), pp. 
Hapke, B. 1981. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy. 1. 
Theory. Journal of Geophysical Research., 86(4 B), 3039-3054. 
Homolova, L., Malenovsky, Z., Hanus, J., Tmaskova, I. 
Dvoorakova, M., Pokomy, R., 2007. Comparison of different 
ground techniques to map leaf area index of Norway spruce 
forest canopy. 10 th International Symposium on Physical 
Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, ISPMSRS 
2007, Davos, Switserland, 12.3-14.3.2007 
Kótz, B., Morsdorf, F., Itten, K., Schaepman, M., Bowyer, P. & 
Allgówer, B. 2004. Radiative transfer modeling within a 
heterogeneous canopy for estimation of forest fire fuel 
properties. Remote Sensing of Environment, 92(3), pp. 332-344. 
Malenovsky, Z., Martin, E., Homolova, L., Gastellu-Etchegorry, 
J.P., Zurita-Milla, R., Schaepman, M.E., Pokomy, R., Clevers, 
J.G.P.W. & Cudlin, P. 2008. Influence of woody elements of a 
Norway spruce canopy on nadir reflectance simulated by the 
DART model at very high spatial resolution. Remote Sensing of 
Environment, 112(1), pp. 1-18. 
North, P.R.J. 1996. Three-dimensional forest light interaction 
model using a Monte Carlo method. Ieee Transactions on 
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 34(4), pp. 946-956. 
Radeloff, V.C., Mladenoff, D.J. & Boyce, M.S. 1999. Detecting 
jack pine budworm defoliation using spectral mixture analysis: 
Separating effects from determinants. Remote Sensing of 
Environment, 69(2), pp. 156-169. 
Rautiainen, M., Stenberg, P., Nilson, T. & Kuusk, A. 2004. The 
effect of crown shape on the reflectance of coniferous stands. 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 89(1), pp. 41-52. 
Siitonen, J. 2001. Forest management, coarse woody debris and 
saproxylic organisms: Fennoscandian boreal forests as an 
example. Ecological Bulletins, 49, pp. 11-41. 
Sims, D.A. & Gamón, J.A. 2002. Relationships between leaf 
pigment content and spectral reflectance across a wide range of 
species, leaf structures and developmental stages. Remote 
Sensing of Environment, 81(2-3), 337-354. 
Song, C. & Woodcock, C.E. 2002. The spatial manifestation of 
forest succession in optical imagery: The potential of 
multiresolution imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 82(2- 
3), pp. 271-284. 
Thomas, J.R. & Gausman, H. W. 1977. Leaf reflectance vs. leaf 
chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations for eight crops. 
Agronomy Journal, 69, 799-802. 
Trotter, G.M., Whitehead, D. & Pinkney, E.J. 2002. The 
photochemical reflectance index as a measure of photosynthetic 
light use of efficiency for plants with varying foliar nitrogen 
contents. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(6), pp. 
Ustin, S.L., Roberts, D.A., Gamón, J.A., Asner, G.P. & Green, 
R.O. 2004. Using imaging spectroscopy to study ecosystem 
processes and properties. BioScience, 54(6), pp. 523-534. 
Verrelst, J., Schaepman, M.E., Koetz, B. & Kneubuhler, M. 
2008. Angular sensitivity analysis of vegetation indices derived 
from CHRIS/PROBA data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 
112(5), pp. 2341-2353. 
White, J.C., Wulder, M.A., Brooks, D., Reich, R. & Wheate, 
R.D. 2005. Detection of red attack stage mountain pine beetle 
infestation with high spatial resolution satellite imagery. 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 96(3-4), 340-351.

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