Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Combing GVI and curvature feature with certain conditions 
applied into sub-areas after JSEG segmentation, we can obtain 
forest areas (CHM-GVI-JSEG). The comparison between 
Gabor wavelet texture features between CHM-GVI-JSEG forest 
area and sub-areas obtained from JSEG lead to successful forest 
boundary delineation. Fig. 8 shows a schematic work flow of the 
overall forest delineation process. 
JSEG has one parameter which controls the region merge 
process during the segmentation. In our experiments, we set it 
as 0 so that we can obtain over-segmented sub-areas which 
have more homogeneous texture pattern. Examples of the forest 
delineation result are shown as Fig.9a (high-lighted with white 
lines) while Fig. 9b shows the manual forest boundary 
delineation result according to NFI forest definition, (high 
lighted with red lines) 
Fig. 9a Final forest Fig. 9 Manual delineation 
Boundary derived from JSEG 
Experimental results indicate that forest area can be 
distinguished by using remote sensing data, e.g. aerial images 
and LIDAR data. The color features extracted from aerial 
images remove successfully non green areas while the curvature 
feature extracted from LIDAR remove building areas. The 
comparison of texture features extracted from Gabor wavelet 
between CHM-GVI-JSEG forest area and sub-areas after JSEG 
segmentation gives the chance for detecting sub-areas with low 
quality CHM and lead to forest boundary delineation in more 
semantic way. The approach presented in this paper offers an 
automatic process for forest/non forest detection in Swiss NFI. 
It’s a challenge to describe NFI forest /non-forest definition 
with automatic computer-based method. For example, some 
temporary unstocked areas are still delineated manually as 
forest because their forest land-use functions. It will be difficult 
to interpret such kind of subjective definition with low level 
features extracted from remote sensing data. However, current 
study provides an encouraging basic for further development 
and testing. 
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