F. Gao a ’ b ’ *, J. G. Masek a
a Biospheric Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
b Earth Resources Technology, Inc., 10810 Guilford Road, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701, USA
KEY WORDS: ASTER, MODIS, Landsat, Surface Reflectance, Radiometric Normalization, Land Cover, Classification
ASTER has similar bandwidths and spatial resolution to Landsat and is an important component of the mid-resolution data archive.
However, the limited duty cycle of ASTER and relatively small scene size has resulted in a “patchwork” archive of global imagery.
The changes of solar geometries (BRDF) and phenology complicate land cover classification and change detection especially when
comparing to the historical Landsat data archive. In this paper, we use the improved general empirical relation model (GERM)
approach to normalize ASTER images acquired from different dates to one reference MODIS data. The resulting MODIS-like
surface reflectance from different ASTER scenes can be mosaiced for land cover classification. Land cover change detection also
becomes possible while comparing ASTER images to other mid-resolution data produced from same approach.
ASTER (Advanced Spacebome Thermal Emission and
Reflection Radiometer) instrument aboard the Terra platform
acquires Earth imagery at a resolution of 15-90m resolution
using 14 VNIR-SWIR-TIR bands (Abrams, 2000). The mission
has now acquired about 2x global cloud-free coverage since
launch in December 1999. ASTER is critical for characterizing
land cover changes during the 2003-2010+ period especially
while Landsat 7 ETM+ has encountered the Scan-Line
Corrector problem since May 2003 and the age of Landsat 5 are
threatening the continuity of Landsat data record before a new
Landsat mission starts operation in 2011 (Wulder et al., 2008).
ASTER data among other mid-resolution (10-60m) sensors
such as the Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) and Linear
Imaging Self-Scanner (LISS) III sensors aboard Indian Remote
Sensing Satellite (IRS) and the Charge Coupled Device (CCD)
camera aboard China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS)
have been considered as a potential substitute for Landsat data
continuity if Landsat data gap starts (Powell et al., 2007).
However, the limited duty cycle of ASTER and relative small
scene size (60kmx 60km) has resulted in a “patchwork” archive
of imagery acquired from different points in the growing season.
Images acquired from different dates are affected by changing
solar geometry (BRDF) and vegetation seasonal changes
(phenology), which complicates land cover classification and
change detection. The lack of a blue band limits its abilities in
retrieving consistent surface reflectance using standard "dense
dark vegetation" approaches for aerosol extraction, and thus
limits biophysical estimation. A consistent data stream from
different mid-resolution satellites (such as ASTER and Landsat)
is a key to combining data sources for integrated analysis.
A general empirical relation model (GREM) approach was
recently developed to correct mid-resolution satellite digital
number (DN) to surface reflectance using MODIS surface
reflectance as a reference data set in one step processing (Gao
et al., 2008). Different from the physical atmospheric correction
approach, GERM approach is a relative atmospheric correction
approach and therefore the corrected surface reflectance is a
MODIS-like surface reflectance. Results from GERM approach
shows that it can achieve the similar accuracy to the physical
model approach. Data from Landsat TM/ ETM+, IRS-P6
AWiFS and TERRA ASTER were integrated in one consistent
mid-resolution data set for time-series data analysis by using
MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)
observations acquired from close dates (Gao et al., 2008).
The GERM approach uses linear transformations between mid
resolution data and MODIS surface reflectance and requires the
close acquisition dates between Landsat-like data and MODIS
data. It needs adjustment if acquisition dates between mid
resolution data and MODIS data are different especially when
land cover or phenology changes. A general form of GERM
approach needs to incorporate different relations based on land
cover type. Each land cover type may present different changes
(relations) between mid-resolution data and MODIS surface
In this paper, we present an improved GERM approach and
normalized ASTER data that were acquired from different dates
and locations to one target date using MODIS data as references,
thus the ASTER “patchwork” can be mosaiced in a consistent
MODIS-like surface reflectance for land cover classification.
The basis of this approach is that homogeneous pixels of the
same land cover type have the same surface reflectance
regardless of patch size. Thus the BRDF/seasonality changes of
homogeneous pixels should also be the same for different patch
sizes given each land cover type does not split (1 to n, change in
one direction is fine) during a short period. The relationship of
each land cover type between acquisition date and target date
will stay same for different resolution images. Therefore, the
relationships built on the MODIS data and aggregated coarse
* Corresponding author.