Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Figure 5..Result using algorithm in (Comaniciu 
and Meer, 2002) with default 
A segmentation algorithm based on spatial and spectral 
information fusion is proposed in this paper. The algorithm 
leads to an improvement in segmentation of land cover classes 
having similar spectral surface. 
This work was supported by the 973 program and 863 program 
of People’s Republic of China under Grant 2006CB701303 and 
2006AA12Z132, the Foundation of the excellent State Key 
Laboratory under Grant 40523005, and the National Nature 
Science Foundation of China under Grant 40601055,the 
foundation of post-doctor of China under Grant 20060390825. 
Figure 6. The result of our method 
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Figure 6 is segmentation result using our method» Figure 5 is 
the result from EDSION softer ware implementing the 
algorithm in the paper (Comaniciu and Meer, 2002), which is 
a combination of fixed band Mean Shift filtering and region 
merging. To keep the equality of comparison, only the fixed 
Mean Shift filtering procedure is employed with default 
parameter spatial band 7 and rang band 6.5. Then filtering result 
is segmented into several classes by K-means method. From the 
Comparison of Figure 6 and Figure 5, we can find that the fixed 
bandwidth method confused the land cover types with similar 
spectral information. In figure6, the confusion of classes similar 
in spectral information is reduced in some degree. In fact, only 
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whose pixels is less a threshed, for example 20.a better result 
can be achieved, (as shown in Figure 7) 
Figure 7 the result with merging minimum region 
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