Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
map, GLCNMO, was produced using MODIS data observed in 
2003. Not only land cover map data but also training data used 
for classification are published through internet. Publication of 
training data is carried out in order to accumulate reliable 
ground truth data for better mapping in the future. Another 
outcome of this study is to learn that individual land cover class 
mapping, for example mangrove mapping or wetland mapping, 
should be promoted for the future better global land cover 
Alimujiang K. and R. Tateishi, 2007. Global urban mapping 
using coarse resolution remote sensing data with the 
reference of Landsat imageries. The 28 th Asian Conference 
on Remote Sensing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Nov. 12-16, 
2007 CD 
Rakhmatuloh, D. Nitto, H. A1 Bilbisi, K. Arihara, and R. Tateishi, 
2007. Estimating percent tree cover using regression tree 
method with very-high-resolution QuickBird images as training 
data, Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Vol.27, 
No.l, pp.1-12 
Smith, J., 1987a. Close range photogrammetry for analyzing 
distressed trees. Photogrammetria, 42(1), pp. 47-56. 
Spalding, M., F. Blasco and C.Field, 1997. World mangrove 
atlas, Intematinal Society for Mangrove Ecosystems(ISME), 
World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC), 
Intematinal Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), 178p. 
BULC website 
http://duckwater.bu.edu/lc/mod 12q 1 .html 
GLCC website 
DMSP/OLS website 
http ://www .ngdc. noaa. gov/dmsp/maps. html 
GLC2000 website 
GLCF website 
GSHHS website 
ISCGM website 
LCCS website 
MOD10C2 website 
Population website 
http :// www. oml. go v/sci/landscan/index.html 
UMDLCC website 
UNEP-WCMC Interactive Maps-Mangrove 
All websites above were accessed on April 24, 2008 
This global land cover mapping was carried out as an activity of 
Global Mapping project. Authors express sincere gratitude for 
participating National Mapping Organizations for their 
contribution of intermediate validation. They also thank U.S. 
Geological Survey for providing MODIS data. 
01 Broad 1 oaf evergrtm forest | | 08 Herbaceous dJ 15 Wetland 
02 Broad leaf deciduous forest j 09 Herbaceous with sparse tree / shrub m 16 Bare Area, consol idHted (gravel, rock) 
03 Needleleaf evergreen forest | | 10 Sparse vegetation 1 I 17 Bare Area, unconsol itinted (sand) 
04 Needleleaf deciduous forest I riffi 11 Cropland HU 18 Urban 
05 Mixed forest HU 12 Paddy field (=□ 19 Snow / ice 
06 Tree open BBkjj 13 Cropland / other vegetation mosaic HI 20 Water bodies 
S 07 Shrub mm 14 Mangrove 
Figure 1 A new global land cover map, GLCNMO 
‘ The produced global land cover data is released from the web site of Global Mapping Project (http://www.iscgm.org/).

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