Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
tentative version which is used the existing global 
geographic data sets such as GTOPO30 and GLCC for 
raster data and changed the specification to those of 
the Global Map were developed and released as global 
Map version 0. On the other hand, WSSD was held at 
Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002 and adopted 
Johannesburg plan of Implementation. The plan called 
for promoting initiatives and partnerships for Global 
Mapping and a target which the whole land areas of 
the earth would be covered by 2007 was set up. As a 
result, development of the data were promoted by 
each participant and the data of almost all land areas 
of the earth except for few areas such as those of 
non-participating countries have been released by 
June, 2008 as the Global Map version 1. 
Copy rights of the data are owned by each country/ 
region, but there are free of charge when they are used 
for non-profitable purposes. Previously, all data used 
to be released from ISCGM web site. User registers 
his/her e-mail address and gets ID number and 
password, and they can download the data which they 
want. But the way of data release begins to change. In 
the 14 th meeting, July, 2008, ISCGM resolved to 
recommend that participating organizations interested 
released their Global Map data from their own website. 
Of course, for some countries, it isn’t easy to release 
their Global Map by their own website. In this case, 
those data are continuously released from the website 
of ISCGM. By this resolution, it is expected that the 
awareness and use of the Global Map will be 
increased in those countries. 
7. Issues to be solved and future plan 
7.1 Data format for vector layers 
As mentioned above, data format of vector layers is 
VPF. This format was adopted by ISCGM because it 
was able to describe various geographic data and it 
was completely opened to the public and so on. On the 
other hand, there is no common GIS software which 
can deal with the data of VPF directly. As a result, 
ISCGM has decided to release the Global Map data 
with user friendly format and change the format of 
vector data to other ones in the next stage. Now, the 
discussion continues in the ISCGM and GML3 will be 
used as new format for releasing. 
7.2 Use of the Global Map 
Global Map should be used for various purposes such 
as evaluation of current global environment, disaster 
countermeasures, decision making for sustainable 
development, education for global issues and so on. In 
order to promote the use of the Global Map, many 
kinds of activities should be done. “The Global 
Mapping Forum 2008” has been held on 5 th -7 th June, 
2008 at Tokyo, Japan as one of those activities of this 
purpose. In the forum, a lot of data producers and 
users participated and discussed how to promote the 
data use. Various activities like the forum are 
necessary and we will continue those activities. 
7.3 Development of the Global Map version 2 
Global environment will be change with time passing. 
It is necessary to update the Global Map data to show 
the current status of the earth and its change. 
Therefore Global Map will be updated with 
cooperation of participating organizations by 2012 and 
released as version 2. 
Towards to the development of the Global Map 
version 2, some changes of the specifications will be 
also discussed and implemented. 
8. Conclusions 
The concept of Global Map was proposed in 1992, 
after the Earth summit at Reo de Janeiro and through 
some preparing period, ISCGM was established in 
1996. Actual data development of the Global Map, 
scale of 1 to 1 million, with 8 layers has started in 
1998 and continued it in 179 participating counties 
and regions. As a result, the Global Map version 1 has 
released by June, 2008. Since updating of the data is 
necessary to monitor the changes of global 
environment, Global Map version 2 will be developed 
and released by 2012. 
Fukushima, Y. 2000, Implementation of Global

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