Full text: CMRT09

In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3/W4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009 
Figure 12. Combination of DTM and building layer to a final 
DSM, covering the high resolution study field. 
A dataset of 35 check points, measured with GPS and evenly 
distributed over the study area, is used to check the geometric 
accuracy and quality of the extracted models from stereopair 
and triplet. It concerns independent ground control points, 
meaning that they are not used in the photogrammetric 
processing of the models. Check points are preferred because of 
the lack of a more accurate reference surface model. Besides, 
the uncertainty of height errors in a reference map is much 
bigger than for discrete measured values in the field. 
Comparison of a measured height value and the calculated 
height value in the model at a certain location gives statistical 
information about the accuracy by which reality is modelled. 
Some calculated statistics, quantifying the geometric accuracy 
are presented in table 2. Distinction is made between the 
standard stereoscopic and tri-stereoscopic approach. The a 
priori geometric accuracy reflects the quality and robustness of 
the image orientation. RMS error in X, Y and Z is given for the 
total of 17 ground control points that were used to fix the 
mathematical relationship between image and object coordinate 
space. For X and Y, sub-pixel accuracy is obtained in both 
approaches. RMSE for the Z component is less than 3 pixels. 35 
independent check points are used to calculate the RMS error 
for Z and the mean Z difference between measured and 
calculated value by the model. For both statistics the value is 
less than 3 pixels. 
A priori geometric accuracy 
DSM geometric accuracy 
No. of GCP RMSX (m) RMSY (m) RMSZ (m) 
No. Of CP RMSZ (m) Mean dZ (m) 
17 0.68 0.72 2.44 
17 0.79 0.78 2.36 
35 2.61 2.21 
35 2.47 2.06 
Table 2. Geometric accuracy analysis. 
Visual analysis of the models shows big improvements of the 
quality for the surface model derived from the Ikonos triplet. 
Noise is reduced and smoothing effects of man-made object are 
reduced to a minimum, however the improvements do not 
reflect in the quantitative accuracy check. The RMSE and mean 
values are slightly better for the triplet than for the stereopair. 
This is due to the fact that the improvements are mainly situated 
around buildings and other steep changes in elevation. Check 
points are mostly measured in open terrain so that they are 
clearly identifiable on the imagery. Within these non-complex 
areas the surface model from the stereopair gives also optimal 
results. To have a better quantification of the improvements, 
future work should involve the collection of rooftop heights for 
a set of buildings and comparison between the collected ground 
truth and the produced models. 
In this treatise an approach is proposed to extract an urban 
surface model in a semi-automatic way directly from multi- 
scopic Ikonos imagery, in contrast to surface models derived 
from manual plotting of building rooftops. The input of the 
operator during photogrammetric processing is reduced to a 
minimum. Interesting advantages are that it is less labor- 
intensive and that the outcome is independent from human 
interpretation. Off course manual plotting of buildings will lead 
to a higher accuracy and more detailed information, but this task 
is very time consuming and will not be cost-effective in some 
situations. As from the perspective of the geometric accuracy, as 
from the visual analysis we can conclude that the outcome is 
encouraging and that acceptable results are reached. At different 
levels of the photogrammetric processing of the imagery, efforts 
are done to cope with the complexity of modeling an urban 
environment. Occlusion and consequently mismatches are 
reduced by combining the redundant information of a third 
image with a stereopair. Radiometric and geometric 
dissimilarities between the multi-temporal imagery are 
diminished by preprocessing the individual images. 
Combination of three different matching algorithms gives 
redundancy and geometric constraints leading to dense and 
reliable matching results. Finally, spatial filtering is applied on 
the height values of the DSM to reduce smoothing effects and 
enhance global DSM quality. 
Baltsavias E., 1991. Multiphoto geometrically constrained 
matching. PhD Dissertation, Report No.49, Institute of Geodesy 
and Photogrammetry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 
Baltsavias E., Pateraki M., Zhang L., 2001. Radiometric and 
geometric evaluation of Ikonos GEO images and their use for 
3D building modelling. Proc. Joint ISPRS Workshop High 
Resolution Mapping from Space 2001, Hannover, 19-21 
September, 2001. 
Baltsavias E., Zhang L., Eisenbeiss H., 2006. DSM generation 
and interior orientation determination of ikonos images using a 
testfield in Switzerland. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, 
Geoinformation, (1), pp. 41-54. 
Bethel J.S., McGlone J.Ch., Mikhail E.M., 2001. Introduction 
to Modern Photogrammetry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New 
York, 477 p.

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