Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
We have developed a generalized variational framework which 
addresses large-scale reconstruction through information fusion 
and competing grammar-based 3D priors. We have argued that 
our inferential approach significantly extends previous 3D ex 
traction and reconstruction efforts by accounting for shadows, 
occlusions and other unfavorable conditions and by effectively 
narrowing the space of solutions due to our novel grammar rep 
resentation and energy formulation. The successful recognition- 
driven results along with the reliable estimation of buildings 3D 
geometry suggest that the proposed method constitutes a highly 
promising tool for various object extraction and reconstruction 
Our a framework can be easily extended to process spectral infor 
mation, by formulating respectively the region descriptors and to 
account for other types of buildings or other terrain features. For 
real-time applications, the labeling function straightforwardly al 
lows a parallel computing formulation by concurrently recover 
ing the transformations for every region. In order to address the 
sub-optimality of the obtained solution, the use of the compressed 
sensing framework by collecting a comparably small number of 
measurements rather than all pixel values is currently under in 
vestigation. Last, but not least introducing hierarchical procedu 
ral grammars can reduce the complexity of the prior model and 
provide access to more efficient means of optimization. 
This work has been partially supported from the Conseil Gen 
eral de Hauts-de-Seine and the Region Ile-de-France under the 
TERRA NUMERICA grant of the Pole de competitivite CapDig- 
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