Full text: CMRT09

In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3/W4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009 
Andreas Schmitt, Birgit Wessel, Achim Roth 
German Aerospace Center (DLR) 
German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), D-82234 Wessling 
Andreas.Schmitt@dIr.de, Birgit. Wessel@dlr.de, Achim.Roth@dlr.de 
KEY WORDS: SAR, Imagery, Structure, Extraction, Change Detection, Method, Urban 
In this paper we present an alternative method for SAR image denoising, structure enhancement, and change detection based on the 
curvelet transform. Curvelets can be denoted as a two dimensional further development of the well-known wavelets. The original image 
is decomposed into linear ridge-like structures, that appear in different scales (longer or shorter structures), directions (orientation of the 
structure) and locations. The influence of these single components on the original image is weighted by the corresponding coefficients. 
By means of these coefficients one has direct access to the linear structures present in the image. To suppress noise in a given SAR 
image weak structures indicated by low coefficients can be suppressed by setting the corresponding coefficients to zero. To enhance 
structures only coefficients in the scale of interest are preserved and all others are set to zero. Two same-sized images assumed even 
a change detection can be done in the curvelet coefficient domain. The curvelet coefficients of both images are differentiated and 
manipulated in order to enhance strong and to suppress small scale (pixel-wise) changes. After the inverse curvelet transform the 
resulting image contains only those structures, that have been chosen via the coefficient manipulation. Our approach is applied to 
TerraSAR-X High Resolution Spotlight images of the city of Munich. The curvelet transform turns out to be a powerful tool for image 
enhancement in fine-structured areas, whereas it fails in originally homogeneous areas like grassland. In the change detection context 
this method is very sensitive towards changes in structures instead of single pixel or large area changes. Therefore, for purely urban 
structures or construction sites this method provides excellent and robust results. While this approach runs without any interaction of 
an operator, the interpretation of the detected changes requires still much knowledge about the underlying objects. 
Nowadays spaceborne SAR data is easily available. Thanks to 
the high resolution of up to one meter (TerraSAR-X) it is suitable 
for urban applications, e.g. urban growth modeling as well as for 
damage mapping in conjunction with (natural) disasters. A main 
problem for SAR image interpretation apart from the geometri 
cal aspect is the high noise level caused by the combination of 
deterministic (speckle effect) and random noise. The reduction 
of noise, e.g. by the multi-looking approach, often goes along 
with a loss of resolution. While structure preserving filters do 
not enhance fine-structured areas, smoothening filters even blur 
the structures apparent in SAR data over urban areas. So reso 
lution and structure preserving filter algorithms are still a topic 
of research. In this context alternative image representations like 
wavelets have been applied. While wavelets are used to separate 
point singularities (Candes and Donoho, 1999), second genera 
tion wavelets, e.g. curvelets, are more suitable for the extraction 
of two dimensional features, as they are able to describe image 
discontinuities along a smooth line (an edge) with a minimum 
number of coefficients (Candes and Donoho, 1999). The ele 
mentary components are the so-called ridgelets - due to their 
appearance like a ridge - that can have different scales (equiv 
alent to their length), directions and positions in the image. This 
enables a selection of two dimensional features to be suppressed 
(assumed noise) or to be emphasized (structure) by manipulating 
the corresponding coefficient of each ridgelet. In the following a 
short overview to related work especially to the development of 
curvelets is given. Then, the curvelet representation is roughly 
explained and three applications are presented: image denoising, 
structure enhancement and change detection over the city center 
of Munich (imaged by TerraSAR-X in the high resolution spot 
light mode and VV polarization). So this paper shows the poten 
tial of the curvelet transform for SAR image analysis. 
The curvelet transform used in this approach has originally been 
developed by (Candes and Donoho, 1999) to describe an object 
with edges with a minimal number of coefficients in the contin 
uous space. Much research work was done to examine the be 
haviour of curvelets (Candes and Donoho, 2002a, Candes and 
Demanet, 2002b, Candes and Guo, 2002), to transfer the def 
initions from the continuous to the discrete space (Candes and 
Donoho, 2003a, Candes and Donoho, 2003b) and to accelerate 
the computing time (Candes et al., 2005) so that digital image 
processing becomes feasible. Many applications in different sci 
entific fields have been published so far, e.g. in geo- and as 
trophysics, that are summarized on the curvelet homepage (De 
manet, 2007). 
Denoising of SAR images to simplify image analysis has also 
been a research topic during the last years where many approaches 
have been published. (Ali et ah, 2007) proposed a combination of 
a wavelet based multi-scale representation and some filters to im 
prove the results obtained by the ’’standard” filtering techniques 
like the Lee-filter. A bayesian-based method using ”a trous” filter 
in the wavelet domain has been proposed by (Moghaddam et ah, 
2004). Because of the properties of the wavelet transform, orig 
inally developed for one dimensional data, these two methods 
are able to smooth regions and to suppress point-like noise, but 
they do not take into account the two dimensional nature of im 
ages. The advantage of second generation wavelets for despeck- 
ling has been examined by (Gleich et ah, 2008) for the bandelet 
and the contourlet transform. The application of curvelets on op 
tical and ultrasound images respectively in the medical context 
has been published by (Ma et ah, 2007). The only publication on 
the use of curvelets in the remote sensing context by (Sveinsson 
and Benediktsson, 2007) presents a denoising technique with a

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