Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
As mentioned before SAR images are highly affected by noise. 
Although the influence of the deterministic speckle effect should 
be exactly the same under the same conditions, it is impossible to 
assure exactly the same conditions over a longer period of time. 
So, if two SAR images are differentiated pixel by pixel the result 
is expected to appear very noisy. Alternatively this differentiation 
can be calculated in the curvelet coefficient domain. If the input 
images are co-registered and same-sized, the images share also 
the same combination of curvelet coefficients. Before the differ 
ence image is transformed back to the spatial domain, the coef 
ficient differences can be either denoised following Section 4 or 
weighted quadratically. In the latter case each coefficient is multi 
plied by its own magnitude to suppress low and to strengthen high 
coefficients. Additionally the influences of the different scales are 
equalized by the factor 2 subband (cf. Section 3). As the resulting 
image contains positive as well as negative values, the positive 
values showing regions that brightened up are coded in green and 
the negative values showing regions that darkened are coded in 
red. For TerraSAR-X data the geolocation of the detected data 
product turned out to be sufficient for the change detection, so 
that no further co-registration was necessary. 
A disadvantage of this method might be its high demand on mem 
ory. The curvelet representation itself is very redundant increas 
ing the data volume of an image by the factor 16. Although most 
coefficients are nearly zero or set to zero during the image en 
hancement process (cf. Section 4), but they have to be processed 
during the differentiation as well. If more than three images are 
compared the difference matrix including all relative differences 
between the input images inflates. But the increasing number of 
coefficients goes along with an increasing flexibility in approxi 
mating linear features in the input image. Tests with other second 
order wavelets proved that critically sub-sampled approaches do 
not provide comparable results. To get an impression of the pro 
cessing time: The example in Section 5.2 including three input 
images of 2091x1113 pixels are processed with a Matlab imple 
mentation and require seven minutes on a Solaris workstation. 
(a) SAR image 1 (b) SAR image 2 
(c) Detected changes (d) Optical image ©GoogleEarth 
In the following two examples over the city of Munich are pre 
sented. The first one deals with short time changes in the well- 
known fairground ’’Theresienwiese”, the second one surveys con 
struction activities near the central station over the period of one 
year. The processed data sets are acquired by TerraSAR-X in 
the High Resolution Spotlight mode and delivered as Multi Look 
Ground Range Detected product. 
5.1 Short time changes 
The two images of the fairground ’Theresienwiese” (Fig. 4(d)) 
have been acquired in December 2008 and January 2009. Being 
processed as spatially enhanced product they have a pixel spac 
ing of 0.5 m on ground. Because of the relatively short time lag, 
the reflectivity of the surrounding is expected to be the same, so 
all changes should be man-made. Comparing visually the two in 
put images (Fig. 4(a) and 4(b)) one can remark a brighter area in 
the upper middle of Fig. 4(a) that darkened in the second image 
(Fig. 4(b)). Especially on the streets inside the fairground many 
single pixel changes are obvious. For urban applications single 
pixel changes do only disturb the interpretation as one is more 
interested in changes happened to structures like streets or build 
ings. So, these single pixel changes have to be excluded. Spa 
tial averaging would help to find large areas with high changes, 
but fine linear structures would be smeared over and probably 
get lost. The curvelet approach is able to preserve the structures 
while single pixel changes are suppressed. In Fig. 4(c) there 
Figure 4: Change detection in the fairground ’’Theresienwiese” 
(1: 05.12.2008,2: 18.01.2009) 
is one red region in the upper middle of the image, that accords 
with the visual interpretation. These changes refer to the ’’Winter- 
Tollwood” festival that took place during the first acquisition. The 
pavilions caused a much higher reflectivity than the bare soil dur 
ing the second acquisition. Additionally there are some small 
red and green structures at the bottom left of Fig. 4(c) that were 
not visible before. Those refer to buses and cars on a parking 
lot. The slightly darkened region in the middle right of Fig. 4(a) 
and 4(b) respectively is not marked as change because it does 
not contain any structure. In summary, the change image shows 
nearly no disturbances as all small scale changes are excluded. 
The curvelet approach is very sensitive towards structures (e.g. 
buses) and very robust towards slight large scale changes caused 
by environmental influences. 
5.2 Long time changes 
For damage mapping after natural disasters it is only seldom pos 
sible to access up-to-date reference data, as most events cannot be 
predicted yet. So, seasonal changes in the surrounding of the re 
gions of interest have to be taken into account. The three images 
of the railway station ’’Donnersberger Brucke” acquired in March 
2008 (Fig. 5(b)), September 2008 (Fig. 5(c)), and March 2009 
(Fig. 5(d)) are used to map the construction progress inside the

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