CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation
inherent noise is reduced and underlying structures are enhanced
depending on their length, their orientation or their intensity.
In the image enhancement context this approach is most suitable
for fine-structured areas, e.g. city centers. The main problem
lies in the determination of thresholds for suppression and em
phasis of structures. The determination of the threshold and the
number of coefficients respectively is still experiential and highly
dependent on the image content. If the scenes are reconstructed
by a fix number of coefficients, the complexity of the scene is
restricted. As the image description by the curvelet coefficients
is purely based on structures, by omitting coefficients originally
smooth areas are often affected by artifacts. At the moment the
quadratic weighting of the single curvelet coefficients seems to
be the best solution for fully automatic processing chains.
The change detection approach provides excellent results in ur
ban areas. The great advantage over pixel based methods is the
sensitivity towards changes in structures and the possibility to
predefine the scale and the strength of changes to be mapped.
Problems occur in natural surroundings like forested areas, where
the status of the foliage has an important seasonal impact on the
backscattering behavior. Not to mention the weather conditions,
snow cover with different moistures can highly modify the ap
pearance in a SAR image. In consequence of that the interpre
tation of the detected changes is very challenging. Although the
change images contain clear structures without any disturbances,
it is nearly impossible to distinguish man-made from natural, e.g.
seasonal, changes, without a priori knowledge about the land
As the present results proved that two single polarized SAR im
ages can be used to indicate changes happened to the imaged
area, but they do not provide the information needed to interpret
these changes, our future research will try to include other data
sources into the processing chain. To discriminate natural cover
from man-made objects, a coherence layer, that exploits the phase
information of the input images could be helpful. Polarimetrie
layers could facilitate the interpretation by attaching information
about the scattering types to the detected changes. Apart from
remote sensing data it is quite conceivable to introduce a priori
knowledge by overlaying the change layer with land cover classi
fications from optical data sources as well as with cadastral data
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