CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation
In practice, the identity of Eq. (3) does not hold strictly, neither
for ideal single-pass interferometers. Reasons therefore are
varying bi-directional scattering, varying volume scattering,
thermal noise, etc. However, a guess about the similarity of the
two complex-valued SAR images u ] and li-, can be computed
for each pixel \i,k\ by the coherence estimate | jj = | f\i, /c] |
calculated in a predefined local neighbourhood W :
X m i[
\k]u* 2
W, [/, A ]
I 2 1
u 2 [i,k]
I 2
Based on the coherence estimate one can derive the probability
density distribution (pdf) of the interferometric phase
pdf (^;L) of the expectation (j) depending on the number
of looks L, i.e. the amount of averaging independent pixels
(Lee et al., 1994):
pdf (^; l) = A{</>\ L)+ L)
A(<!>-,L) =
r(L + l/2) I
>i 2 ) t M'
2 Æ r(L) I
^1-\Ÿ\ cos 2 !
|L + l/2
L-m 2 ) 1
2 F,(l,1;]/2; |jj 2 cos 2 (fi - i*))
and F(x) — (x — 1)! being the Gamma function
and 2 F]{d,b‘,C’, z) being the hypergeometric Gaussian
function. Figure 4 shows the shape of Eq. 9 for a fixed
coherence and varying averaging while, in Figure 5, averaging
is fixed and coherence varies.
Although the pdf of the interferometric phase is not strictly
Gaussian, it can be seen from the functions displayed in Figures
4 and 5 that the pdf s first- and second-order moment ((j) and
<7^) carry the most information of this distribution.
Furthermore, assuming that (/>{z) is locally linear, one can
write after Taylor expansion of (f){z) and omitting higher order
d(f) _ A0
dz A z
Computing O 0 numerically from Eq. 9 and inserting
— <7^ and AZ — (7- into Eq. 10 yields finally the
standard deviation of the height estimates:
<7 =
Figure 6 visualizes the behaviour of the standard deviation of
the interferometric phase for varying coherence and number of
looks. An evident feature of this function is the large influence
of averaging for moderate coherence values. Only four looks,
for instance, improve the standard deviation approximately by
50% at a coherence of 0.65. Figure 7 shows typical height
distributions for varying coherence and a specific fixed set of
sensor parameters.
Figure 4: pdf of interferometric phase for fixed coherence and varying
Figure 5: pdf of interferometric phase for fixed averaging and varying
Figure 6: Standard deviation of interferometric phase for varying
coherence and number of looks.