Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
(Rc„+t-c M )-n M =0 
1 -a 3 
a 2 
The rotation angles (a t , a 2 , a 3 ) and the translation components 
(/i, A. /3) are the six variables to be determined. Each 
corresponding pair of planes E D , E M yields two linear equations 
(3.3), therefore at least three pairs have to be identified in the 
data to compute the rigid transformation (R,t). In general, more 
correspondences can be found at urban areas. The resulting 
overdetermined system can be solved approximately by 
inverting the normal equations. In addition, the area of the 
planar patches can be used as a weighting factor. Finally, the 
corrected position of the sensor in the model coordinate system 
is given as R-pops +t an ^ the orientation is corrected to R R lMV . 
We tested the proposed methods on the basis of real sensor data 
which were recorded 300 meters above the old town of Kiel, 
Germany. Data available from four flights over this urban 
terrain led to the database shown in Figure 4. Additional two 
flights were considered to prove the concept of terrain based 
navigation (Figure 8). For this purpose, 1000 randomly chosen 
displacement vectors in the range [5 m, 20 m] were added to the 
exact sensor positions and it has been checked if these offsets 
are corrected automatically. Figure 10 shows the average 
displacement between calculated and exact sensor position 
against the number of matching pairs of planes. With our data, 
we were able to reduce the average offset in sensor position to 
1.5 m if at least 25 pairs of associated surfaces can be found 
(standard deviation: 0.5 m). These numbers most likely depend 
on additional conditions, e.g. aircraft altitude, aircraft speed, 
number and orientation of facades and rooftops. 
Figure 10. Average displacement against number of planes. 
The examples presented in this paper were obtained with an 
experimental sensor system, for which data analysis can only be 
done offline to show the feasibility of the proposed approach. 
Nevertheless, we guess that all computations can be 
accomplished in real-time, with an efficient implementation and 
appropriate hardware. In our experiments, we were able to align 
the model and the ALS data such that matching objects show an 
average distance of 8 cm after the registration. This absolute 
exactness is not necessarily transferable to the sensor position 
(see Section 4). With a larger distance between helicopter and 
the terrain, impreciseness of the sensor orientation has a 
considerably higher impact on the overall displacement. For 
example, an angular error of 0.1 0 would lead to a shift of 1 m in 
a distance of 600 m. The absolute exactness of the estimated 
sensor position improves significantly when considering larger 
areas and/or shorter ranges, e.g. when approaching the terrain at 
low altitude. In future work, we will analyze these influences in 
more detail, and we will focus on on-line change detection. 
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