Full text: CMRT09

Each keypoints of the database within the k-NN is added to 
the list of matches of the image it belongs. A basic method 
to retrieve images corresponding to the scene is to rank 
the images by descending order of the size of the lists of 
Since every point of the query is associated with many 
points in the database, irrelevant points of the query will 
still influence the ranking. However, we can make the as 
sumption that for those matches, the relative positions of 
the query and target points within their respective images 
are not coherent.Thus, a geometric constraint over the en 
semble of matches between two images shall be able to 
remove the irrelevant matches. 
We test two criteria of geometrical consistency. The first 
criteria is to estimate the 2D affine transform between the 
two images, and then to remove the points not coherent 
with it. Although the transformation between the images is 
indeed 3D, we assume that under small perspective changes, 
a 2D affine transform is enough to catch the transforma 
tion of a single plane (in our case, the front of the build 
ing). The algorithm used to estimate the affine transform 
is RANSAC, a model estimation technique which can deal 
with a large fraction of outliers (Fischler and Bolles, 1981). 
An example of matches after the removal of non-coherent 
points is shown on Fig. 4. 
Figure 4: Matching points after the non-coherent to the 
estimate 2D affine transform matches have been remove. 
The second criterion is to keep only the matches which 
correspond to the most frequent angle difference between 
matched points (Jegou et al., 2008). This is done by com 
puting an histogram of the difference between the principal 
direction of the query and the target point of a match. We 
then keep the matches corresponding to the most frequent 
value in the histogram. 
A pairwise matching using a distance contrast crite 
rion (named Image Matching there after). 
A k-NN search plus a vote (named Brute vote). 
A k-NN search plus the angle differences consistency 
criterion (named Angle differences). 
A k-NN search plus the 2D affine transform consis 
tency criterion (name Ransac). 
We set k — 10 for the k-NN Search. The parameters for 
the RANSAC algorithm were empiricaly set to 15 pixels 
maximum distance to fit the model and minimum 3 inliers 
for the affine transformation. 
The first dataset consisted of 82 images of a single street 
(about 350 000 keypoints). The query set contained im 
ages taken by a mobile phone in front of some of the shops 
in the street. As the images (both in the query set and in the 
database) are direct views of the buildings, we considered 
this test as easy, since the transformation between query 
and its corresponding target images is simple. The second 
dataset contained 300 images of a large boulevard (about 
3.5 millions of keypoints). The queries where taken with 
a mobile phone from the sidewalk. As the vehicle taking 
the pictures was in the middle of the street, the targeted re 
gions of the images (a shop, for instance) are very small. 
Thus, few keypoints of each image are describing some 
thing we might be looking for. As there are many severe 
transformations (scaling, viewpoint changes), we consider 
this test difficult. For both sets, we have manually built 
the groundtruth by annotating which images correspond to 
each query. 
We have used three criteria for the evaluation. The first 
consisted in measuring the rank of the first relevant image 
retrieved (average of the query set). The second measure 
was the evolution of the number of relevant image in the 
retrieved set, as the size of this set increased. The third 
criterion was the precision, the number of relevant images 
retrieved over the number of images retrieved. 
5.2 Results on Dataset 1 
An example of the first images retrieved using the Brute 
vote is shown on Fig. 5. The first images retrieved with 
this technique have about 2000 matching keypoints (im 
ages in this set contain about 5000 keypoints). There are 
several occlusions between the query image and the im 
ages of iTowns (for instance the car in front of the shop). 
However, a relevant image is found within the first images. 
Fig. 6 presents the same result, but with the Angle dif 
ferences refinement. The first images retrieved have about 
200 matching keypoints. As we can see, the refinement 
introduced a re-ranking of the first images profitable to 

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