Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
and check, how many object points support the determined 
plane i. e. how many points are near the plane. This de 
pends on the choice of a threshold. Considering aerial 
images we allowed a maximal distance of 20 cm to the 
plane. If we want to guarantee with a minimum proba 
bility Pmin = 0.999 finding a plane, which is constructed 
by 3 points and supported by at least half of the points 
(e = 0.5), we have to perform m = 52 trials, because 
log (1 ~ Pmin) 
log (1 - (1 - e) 3 ) 
log 0.001 
log 0.875 
51.7. (4) 
If no sufficiently high number of supporting points can be 
found within m trials, the region will no longer be ana 
lyzed. In our empirical investigation, segmented regions 
representing roof parts have always a most dominant plane. 
Such plane could not get found if e. g. the ground is not 
planar but forms a small hill or valley, e. g. at and around 
trees and shrubs. Furthermore, we accepted only those 3D 
points, which are visible in all three images. Therefore, 
occluded building parts are also not in further process. 
We estimate the best fitting plane using a least-squares ad 
justment on those points, which support the best proposed 
plane during the iterations of RANSAC. The statistical rea 
soning 2 is taken from (Heuel, 2004), p. 145. 
So far, our approach can only handle with merging of re 
gions. If the image is undersegmented in some image parts, 
i. e. the region covers two or more objects, a splitting crite 
rion must be defined to separate this region parts again. We 
suggest to search for several dominant planes and to split 
the regions according to the intersections of these planes. 
We did not realize the splitting yet, so we only propose our 
merging strategy. 
We determine a region adjacency graph and check for each 
adjacent pair of regions Ri and R 2 if a merging of the re 
gions can get accepted. The first test is on equality of the 
two corresponding estimated planes. We realized that our 
derived point cloud is too noisy for such statistical reason 
ing. Therefore, we consider a second test, where we de 
termine the best fitting plane through the set of 3D points 
from both regions and then we check, if the new plane has 
a normal vector n\ 2 which is similar to the normal vectors 
ni and n 2 of the two previous planes: 
t- (ni2,ni) < 9 A Z (ni2,n 2 ) < 0. (5) 
In our experiments, we used 9 = 30°, which leads to rea 
sonable results with respect to buildings. If one is inter 
ested in each individual roof plane, 6 should not be more 
than 10°. If other applications cannot depend on such a 
heuristically chosen parameter, we suggest to adapt this 
condition by a MDL-based approach, cf. (Rissanen, 1989). 
Then, two regions should be merged, if the encoding of 
data would decrease when merging. 
2 SUGR: Statistically Uncertain Geometric Reasoning, www.ipb.uni- 
Figure 4: Steps of improving image segmentation. In the 
upper row, we show the reference image and its initial seg 
mentation. In the bottom row, we show at the left all big 
regions from the initial partition (in white) and the final 
segmentation including the MDL-based and the geometry- 
based grouping of regions. There, the gray-shadowed re 
gions have been merged on the basis on geometric proper 
Until this point, we did not consider small regions whose 
dominant planes cannot be estimated reliably. Now, we 
also merge them, too. Small holes can easily merge with 
their surrounding region, but all others may be merged ac 
cording to an intensity-based criterion. We implemented a 
MDL-based strategy according to (Pan, 1994), where we 
additionally stop the merging as soon as the minimum size 
of a region has been reached. As alternatives, we could 
also use strategies for irregular pyramid structures, e. g. 
(Guigues et al., 2003), which is based on similarity of color 
intensities or (Drauschke, 2009) which is based on scale- 
space analysis. Resulting image segmentation is shown in 
fig. 4. 
We have tested our segmentation scheme on 28 extracts of 
aerial images with known projection matrices showing ur 
ban scenes in Germany and Japan. The images from Ger 
many were taken in early spring when many trees are in 
blossom, but are not covered by leaves yet. The 3D points 
matched at such vegetation objects are widely spread, cf. 
fig. 3. In most cases, the corresponding image parts are 
oversegmented, so that no dominant planes have to get es 
timated. There is almost no vegetation in the Japanese 
images, but the ground is often dark from shadows. As 
mentioned earlier, we have problems with finding precise 
3D points in lawn and shadow regions, but with respect to 
building extraction (i. e. segmenting the major roof parts), 
our approach achieves satisfying results cf. fig. 5. We are 
convinced to get better results for matching in dark image 
parts, if a local enhancement is used to brighten these parts

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