Full text: CMRT09

In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3/W4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009 
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Figure 7. Histogram of slope and slope difference of cross-track 
Without considering the landuse changes, the proposed scheme 
integrates topographic maps, airborne laser scanning data, and 
three-dimensional road boundaries for 3D surface modelling. In 
the modelling process, road surfaces are initialized from the raw 
LIDAR data. Additionally, we proposed a network surface 
fitting process to refine those model surfaces from multi-source 
datasets to maintain the continuities in elevation and slope. The 
test site includes local streets, arterial streets, and expressways 
to validate the ability of the proposed scheme. According to the 
experimental results, the three-dimensional surface modelling 
accuracy reaches 0.149 m. In addition, the modelling results 
indicate that this approach reaches an error, which is within the 
random error of the raw data. 
This research is partially funded by Dept of Land 
Administration, M. O. 1. of Taiwan. The authors would also 
thank the same organization for providing airborne laser 
scanning data, topographic maps, and aerial photos. 
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