Full text: CMRT09

In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3/W4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009 
both distance transforms within the road part have the same 
values make up the centre line. Further details of the road part 
extraction are explained in (Grote and Heipke, 2008). 
min. elongation 
3 m - 16 m 
min. width constancy 
min. intensity 
max. NDVI 
max std. deviation of colour 
Table 1. Parameters for road part extraction. 
2.3 Road Subgraph Generation and Evaluation 
In many cases, a road is not completely covered by one road 
part but by several different road parts because disturbances in 
the appearance of the road interfered with the extraction. 
Therefore, road parts that could belong to the same road are 
assembled into road subgraphs (Fig. 1) by checking if the road 
parts have neighbours to which they can be connected. The 
subgraphs are assembled iteratively, starting with the road part 
with the best quality measure from the road part extraction. The 
criteria used to decide whether two road parts belong to the 
same road are the distance between the segments, the direction 
difference and the continuation smoothness. The reference 
points for the measurement of the direction difference and the 
continuation smoothness are the intersection points between the 
centre line and the road part borders. The continuation 
smoothness is measured by calculating the direction differences 
between the directions of the road parts to the direction of their 
connection (Fig. 2). The continuation smoothness is high if both 
smoothness angles are small. However, if the distance between 
the segments is short, the continuation smoothness criterion is 
disregarded because at close distances the angles depend too 
much on the exact positions where the angles are measured. 
Figure 2. Continuation smoothness. 
Two road parts are linked if empirically determined thresholds 
for the distance, the direction difference and the continuation 
smoothness are met. The distance and the direction difference 
must be low and the continuation smoothness must be high; all 
three conditions must be fulfilled for the road parts to be linked. 
The parameters used for the experiments described in this paper 
are shown in Table 2. One road part can be attached to more 
than one other road part in the same direction, such that 
branches in the subgraphs can occur. The search for 
neighbouring road parts continues until no more road parts can 
be added. Then, the search is resumed with the road part which 
has the best quality measure among the remaining road parts 
until all road parts have been examined. 
max. distance 
50 m 
max. direction difference 
max. smoothness angle 
Table 2. Parameters for road subgraph generation. 
In most cases the branches do not represent actual branches in 
the road network but rather indicate false extractions of road 
parts that are nearly parallel to the real road. Therefore, road 
subgraphs containing branches are treated as including different 
hypotheses for the course of the road. It is the goal of road 
subgraph evaluation to determine the best hypotheses, i.e. the 
hypotheses that are most likely to actually correspond to roads, 
and to discard all the other hypotheses. This goal is achieved 
via the formulation and solution of a linear programming 
In linear programming a linear function (objective function) 
whose variables are subject to linear constraints is maximised or 
minimised (Dantzig, 1963). The constraints define a set of 
feasible vectors; the vector for which the constraint set is 
maximal or minimal is the optimal solution for the problem. 
Linear programming can be used when the variables of the 
linear function to be optimised are restricted by hard 
constraints, which can be described by equations or by 
inequalities. In our case the constraints are inequalities resulting 
from the condition that no node of a subgraph should be 
connected to more than one gap edge after the optimisation. 
The objective function which is to be maximised is 
W] Xj + ... + w„x„ —► max (1) 
where w t ... w„ are weights of the gap edges that reflect the 
plausibility that the two road parts belong to the same road. The 
unknown variables are X/ ... x„. There is one such unknown for 
each gap edge in the road subgraph. Each of these binary 
variables indicates whether its corresponding edge should be 
kept or discarded. A value of 1 indicates that the edge is kept; a 
value of 0 indicates that it is discarded. These values are 
determined by solving the maximisation under the constraints 
that each node i can only be associated to one gap edge: 
2>;S>- <2) 
Ei is the set of gap edges belonging to node i. The optimisation 
is carried out using the simplex method (Dantzig, 1963). The 
edge weights are determined using the following criteria: 
• Distance: a shorter distance between the two 
connected road parts gives a higher edge weight. 
• Road part quality: the sum of the quality measures of 
both road parts from the extraction. A higher value 
gives a higher edge weight. 
• Colour: a smaller difference between the mean colour 
values of both road parts gives a higher edge weight. 
• Width: a smaller width difference between both road 
parts gives a higher edge weight. 
• Continuation smoothness: smaller smoothness angles 
(cf. Section 2.2) give a higher edge weight. 
• Direction: a smaller direction difference between both 
road parts gives a higher edge weight. 
The weights for the different criteria are obtained after 
calculating all criteria by mapping the respective values linearly 
onto an interval between 0 and 1. For example, the maximum 
possible distance between two connected road parts is 
equivalent to a distance weight of 0. The other weights are 
obtained accordingly. All weights are multiplied to obtain the 
total weight for one edge. The edge weights that belong to the 
same subgraph are normalised such that their sum equals 1.

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