Object: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

elds. However, 
other hand, the 
lity of both 3D 
: and the model 
llins in 1968. It 
mate is exactly 
reomate is used 
vith the current 
; and thus leads 
| be achieved in 
d by a mosaic 
coordinates on 
'e and a mosaic 
| but also offers 
model without 
seamless stereo 
ilar with that in 
the sum of two 
h images of the 
gether with the 
) surface of the 
ig stereo model 
users (Blachut, 
rjakoski (1990) 
aken as a map 
thophoto pair 
in Wijk, 1970). 
o pair have also 
k, 1979). It is 
ith the current 
tereo models is 
‘the photo pair, 
n photo pair. 
to generate the 
gorous and thus 
nent in highly 
iccuracy. of 3D 
| low relief. 
more than one 
will enable us to 
ereo orthophoto 
‘7001: Li etal, 
the concept of 
is formed by à 
e. mosaics of à 
whole block of aerial photographs), with the lineage (image 
coordinates on original photograph and the orientation 
parameters of the original photograph) of each pixel on both 
mosaic orthoimage and a mosaic stereomate recorded. Such a 
measurable seamless stereo model not only provides seamless 
3D landscape environment but also offers the rigorous and thus 
accurate 3D measurement of any object and feature visible in 
the measurable seamless stereo model without explicit 
orientation procedure. 
Following this introduction is a review section, which examines 
the limitations of existing solutions, then the concept of 
measurable seamless stereo model is introduced and the 
principle described. Then the procedures for measurable 
seamless stereo model and algorithm of accurate measurement 
are presented. An experimental testing is also reported at last. 
The stereo orthophoto pair was introduced in 1960s (Collins, 
1968; Blachut, and van Wijk, 1970). A stereo orthophoto pair is 
formed by an orthoimage and a stereomate (Collins, 1968). The 
stereomate is usually produced from the neighboring images 
(left or right) within a flight strip by artificially introducing 
horizontal parallaxes, but it can also be produced from the same 
image. If it is produced from the same image, the objects not 
included in the DTM (like buildings, etc.) will appear lying on 
the terrain when the orthoimage and stereomate are viewed 
The horizontal parallax is introduced usually as a linear function 
of the height. The formula is as follows: 
Where h is the terrain height; k is an optional factor. k = tan (a), 
and a is the angle of oblique projection. Usually œ is chosen as 
tan (a) = B/H, namely the base-height ratio. 
For a more rigorous agreement the original parallaxes with the 
introduced parallaxes, the projection angle a should vary with 
the terrain height (Wang, 1990), so the parallax is introduced as 
a nonlinear function of the height (Wang, 2001). The 
mathematical formula is as follows: 
P Bh Q) 
B is the base line of stereo model 
H is the flying height. 
h is the terrain height 
In addition, a special parallax function -- a logarithmic function 
has also been proposed by Collins (1970) as follow: 
B is the base line of stereo model 
H is the flying height. 
h is the terrain height 
JD measurement in a stereo orthophoto pair has been discussed 
by Collins (1969), Kraus et al. (1979) and van Wijk (1979). The 
traditional measurement method is that the height can be 
directly derived from the parallax without the need for DTM 
and the planimetric coordinates can be acquired from the 
orthophoto. The height measurement accuracy is better than the 
accuracy of DTM. The accuracy of the height measurement 
from stereo orthophoto pair is two or three times more accurate 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
than the DTM which was used for their generation (Kraus et al., 
1979, Kraus 1984; van Wijk, 1979). The is because the errors in 
the orthophoto and its stereomate caused by DTM errors will 
have the same sign and therefore be partly cancelled out in the 
computation of parallax. 
The traditional measurement method is very simple but not 
rigorous. The accuracy of measurement on the stereo 
orthophoto pair is not able to reach the level when measuring 
the stereo model formed by the original images. When the 
terrain is flat, good results are achievable, however in 
mountainous areas, with the decrease of orthoimage accuracy, 
the errors may become too big to be acceptable for 
high-accuracy applications. Table 1 illustrates the variation of 
measurement results with terrain type. (The data sets are 
described in section 5). 
Table 1. The 3D measurement error of the stereo orthophoto 
pair model in different terrain types 
Landform Error X (m) Y (m) Z (m) 
MAX] 1.72 1.70 1.83 
Flat Are: | 
hide RMS | 092 | 091 | 0.99 
Hill Mountainous | |MAX| 4. 44 4. 38 7.45 
Area RMS 2.83 2.77 3.94 
To summarize, the existing method is based on photo pair and 
the 3D measurement is a simple computation. That cannot meet 
with the requirements of a large area in practical applications. 
Wang (2001) and Li et al. (2002) have ever discussed an 
approach for generating a seamless stereo model, however, it is 
very complex and inconvenient in practical applications. 
For a photographic block, many stereo models can be formed by 
stereo pairs. Figure 1 illustrates a block consisting of three strips, 
with six stereo models in each strip. 
Strip I 
Strip II 
Strip IH 
[ —— ] The stereo extent of a photo-pair model 
7 The overlapping area among adjacent photo-pair 
CALE wi 
stereo models along flying line 
The overlapping area among adjacent photo-pair 
stereo models across flying line 
Seam lines among adjacent photo-pair stereo models 
The valid mosaic polygon of the photo-pair 
stereo model 
Figure 1. The arrangements of photo-pair models 
In this figure, the overlapping area between two adjacent images 
is called the stereo extent; and a line in the overlapping areas 
between two adjacent stereo models is called a seam line. The 
polygon area formed by the seam lines of every stereo model is 
called valid mosaic polygon of the model. 
The mosaic of othoimages of all the valid mosaic polygons in 

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