Object: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

. Istanbul 2004 
etween 2D seg- 
lidate matching 
rrors and some 
ecisely located. 
re base primi- 
mphasis is put 
the generation 
that all impor- 
nes) be present 
al non vertical 
It on geometry. 
ndition is met: 
. Furthermore, 
for non vertical 
t of the volume 
ing as well as 
in figure 7. 
> = zg and all 
up a 3D graph 
volume whose 
ude. All facets 
n (Figures 3(a) 
mon edge s if, 
ntuitively, two 
ts towards the 
nains coherent 
‘igure 2 shows 
I surface made 
[2 =z, CONl- 
issible if either 
cast two facets 
if it is locally 
dmissible if it 
icets are com- 
ssible surface. 
nissible. Once 
1erent normals 
hat, given our 
Is pointing up- 
ce is a contin- 
ible are recur- 
lateral and top 
1e virtual pris- 
Ne X = zg Ale 
nected sets of 
one building 
10dels derived 
e surfaces. An 
| one building 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
(a) Planes (b) Initial 3D Graph (c) Initial. simplifi- 
(f) After successive 
(e) Tolerance band 
around mask 
(d) Tolerance band 
around DEM 
Figure 3: Main Steps of graph simplification. Schematic view. 
(b) some non coherent facets 
(a) two coherent facets 
Figure 2: facets coherence. 
which may be interesüng to overcome focusing errors. 
Before exhaustive search of all solutions, which will be shown to 
be NP-hard, it is necessary to reduce the number of facets. All 
facets of the 3D graph non included in a volume defined by a 
tolerance band around a DEM are suppressed. In the same way, 
some simplifications are made using a tolerance band around the 
focusing mask. Main steps of graph simplifications are recalled 
in Figure 3. 
3.4 Solutions 
In this section, one focuses on search of admissible surfaces, 
which gives the solution to our problem as mentioned above. The 
principle of maximal stable or independent set is used as in (Jib- 
rini, 2002). Thus it is necessary to derive a compatibility graph 
Ge from the filtered 3D graph G. The procedure used to derive 
the graph C. on which all computations are made are described 
in the next paragraphs and illustrated in Figure 4 but proofs are 
not detailed for readability. However most of the demonstrations 
rely on the property already mentioned that an admissible surface 
is a polyhedral surface with no overhang. 
For each non vertical facet f of C, all facets whose projection on 
the plane of f intersects f are virtually recursively suppressed. if 
the resulting virtual graph G is non empty. then it can be proven 
that f is admissible and that all admissible facets remaining in G 
are compatible with f. 
Then for each vertical facet v, all non vertical facet non com- 
patible with v as computed before are recursively and virtually 
removed. One can thus determine whether v is admissible and 
Which facets are compatible with v. 
At the end of this process, on can derive a compatibility graph 
Ge in which each node is an admissible facet of G and each edge 
links two compatible facets. As in (Jibrini, 2002). the admissible 
surfaces of G are the maximal cliques of Ge Or in an equivalent 
way, the admissible surfaces of G are the maximal independent 
sets of Q.. We recall that a clique is a set of nodes of a graph that 
are all pairwise connected. A maximal clique defines a clique for 
which no node can be added while keeping this property. Con- 
Figure 4: Compatibility computations. All admissible facets in 
hatched areas are compatible with the blue facet. 
versely, an independent set is a set of nodes such that for any 
pair of nodes, there is no edge between them. It is maximal if no 
more node can be added and it still be an independent set. The 
equivalence between admissible surfaces and maximal cliques is 
therefore natural: each facet of an admissible surface X is com- 
patible with all the other facets of 3 and no facet can be added 
since an admissible surface, by definition, covers the whole sur- 
face of Fs. 
The search for admissible surfaces boils down to a search for 
maximal cliques, which is unfortunately a NP-hard problem. One 
can however find efficient algorithms to solve for these solutions 
(Bron and Kerbosch, 1973) and enable a deep study in our pecu- 
liar graphs. Figure 5 illustrates the relation between G, C. and the 
search for admissible surfaces. 
Hu 7 13-2-6-9-10-3 
- us A » v 
en IIT ke 10 
. a à 1-11-14-15-16- 
| 1 5-1-8-9-10-3 
14 3 2 3 
ia 1-11-12-13-2- 
3 : à 6-9-10-3 
12 9 
15 7 10 
5 = 1-11-12-4-8- 
16 i s e 9103 
Figure 5: 3D simplified graph G (top-left) and its incompatibility 
graph Ge (bottom-left) along with all the solutions, as graphical 
representation or as maximal independent set. 
4.1 Bayesian Formulation 
The preceding section exhibits a set of possible hypotheses of 
surfaces M. Consider a set of observations D that will be used to 
choose the “best” model for the focusing zone. Using a bayesian 
formulation, one looks for the model A such that: 
M = argmax P(M | D) (2) 

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