Full text: Die Elbkette (Theil 4)

Ausgleichungen der Zwischenpunkte. 
VII. Pugelatz — Redemoissel — Höhheek — Dolcliauer Berg — Zichtaner 
Berg — Schwarze Berg. 
sin SRP . sin SHR . sin SDH . sin SZD . sin SPZ 
sin SPR . sin SRI I . sin SHD . sin SDZ . sin SZP 
SRP = 47 48 38,28 + (8) — (9) 
SHR = 48 32 2,57 + (10) — (n) 
SDH = 63 1 20,68 + (14) — (15) 
SZD = 60 51 37,18 + (12) — (13) 
SPZ — 31 21 23,16+ (6) — (7) 
SPR = 83 +1 1+78— (6)+ (7) 
SRH = 65 6 17,46— (8) + (9) 
SHD = 40 47 30,29 — (10) + (11) 
SDZ = 75 36 14,67 — (14) + (15) 
SZP = 23 12 51,41 — (12) + (13) 
9,869 7767.4 + 19,09 (8) — 19,09 (9) 
9,874 6843-3 + 18,61(10) — 18,61(11) 
9,949 9674.0 + 10,72(14) — 10,72(15) 
9,941 2307.2 + 11,74(12) — 11,74(13) 
9,7x6 3042.9 + 34,55 (6) - 34,55 (7) 
9'3 5 1 9634-8 
9,351 9675.6 
— 4°-8 
9,997 3723.0 — 2,32 (6) + 2,32 (7) 
9-957 6454-3 — 9-77 (8) + 9-77 (9) 
9,815 1203.4 — 24,40(10) + 24,40(11) 
9,986 1448.4 — 5-40(14) + 5-40(15) 
9-595 6846-5 — 49-09 ( I2 ) + 49-09 
9-3 5 1 9675-6 
o = — 2,040 + i,8435 (6) — i,8435 (7) + M43° (8) — i,443° (9) + +1505(10) 
— 2,1505(11) + 3,0415(12) — 3,0415(13) + 0,8060(14) — 0,8060(15) 
Darstellung der Verbesserungen (1), (2), (3),... durch die Korrelate I, II, III, 
(0 = 
+ 1,0000 
+ 0,9485 
— 1,0000 
— 0,2590 
(2) = 
+ 1,0000 
— 1,0000 
+ 1,3670 
(3) = 
+ 1,0000 
— 1,1080 
(4) — 
— 1,0000 
— 1,0000 
— 0,4875 
(5) = 
+ 1,0000 
— 0,4610 
(6) = 
— 1,0000 
— 1,0000 
— 1,2020 
+ 1,8435 
(7) = 
+ 1,0000 
+ 1,0000 
+ 1,2020 
(8) = 
+ 1,0000 
+ 0,4885 
+ 1,4430 
(9) = 
— 1,0000 
— 0,4885 
(10) = 
+ 1,0000 
— 1,0000 
+ 1,2200 
+ +1505 
(11) = 
— 1,0000 
+ 1,0000 
— 1,2200 
— 2-1505 
(12) = 
+ 1,0000 
+ 0,5870 
+ 3-0415 
(13) = 
— 1,0000 
— 0,5870 
- 3-0415 
(14) = 
+ 1,0000 
— 1,0000 
+ 0,8060 
(15) = 
— 1,0000 
+ 1,0000 
— 0,8060

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