Full text: Die Rheinisch-Hessische Dreieckskette, das Basisnetz bei Bonn, das Niederrheinische Dreiecksnetz (Theil 9)

XI. Hohelohr — Sackpfeife — Ziegenhelle 
= 3° 54 59,°55 — (56)4- (57) 
= 7 8 49 — C 11 ^) H- (113) 
== 70 15 41,600 — (125)+ (12,6) 
Summe =180 
i8o° + £ =180 
o = + o,i77 — (5 6 ) + (57) — (11*) + (113) ~ ( IZ 5) + (1*6) 
XII. Hohelohr Knüll — Taufstein — Dünsberg — Sackpfeife — Ziegenhelle — 
Bedingung: 1 
sin 6.7 . sin 11.8 . sin 58.59 . sin 113.114 . sin 125.126. sin 48.49 
sin 47.48 . sin 5.6 . sinio.ii. sin 62.58 . sin 1x2.113.sin 124.125 
6.7 =40 34 54,400— (6)4- (7) 
11.8 =31 18 25,2674- (8)— (ix) 
58.59 =70 53 13,390— (58)4- (59) 
113.114 = 98 5 40,938 —(113) +(114) 
125.126 = 70 15 41,600 — (125) 4- (12,6) 
48.49 =51 58 26,879— (48)4- (49) 
9,813 2691.36 — 24,58 (6)4-24,58 (7) 
9,7 1 5 6890.15 + 34,62 (8) — 34,62 (11) 
9,975 3743-33— 7,3° (5 8 )+ 7,3° (59) 
9,995 6512.83+ 2,99(113)— 2,99(114) 
9,973 7022.89— 7,55(125)+ 7,55+26) 
9,896 3788.88 — 16,47 (48)+16,47 (_4 9 ) 
9,37° 0649.44 
9,370 0634.55 
+ 14-89 
47.48 =43 42 24,231— (47)+ (48) 
5.6 =97 140,327— (5)+ (6) 
10.11 =57 1 17,250— (10) + (11) 
62.58 =41 26 12,794+ (58)— (62) 
112.113 = 78 49 21,159 — ( Iia ) + ( II 3) 
124.125 = 38 53 0,206 — (124) + (125) 
9, 8 39 4575- 1 ^ — 22,03 (47) + a V>3 (4 8 ) 
9,996 7247.21+ 2,60 (5)— 2,60 (6) 
9,923 6969.86 —13,66 (io) + i3,66 (11) 
9,820 7232.53+23,85 (58) — 23,85 (62) 
9,991 6829.54— 4,16(112)+ 4,16(113) 
9,797 7780.23—26,11 (124) + 26,11 (125) 
9,370 0634.55 
o =+0,1489 — 0,0260 (5) — 0,2198 (6) + o,2458 (7) + o,34Ö2 (8) + o,i366 (10) 
— 0,4828 (11) + 0,2203 (47) — 0,3850 (48.) + 0,1647 (49) —0,3115 (58) 
+ 0,0730 (59) + 0,2385 (62) + o,0416(112) — 0,0117(113) — 0,0299(114) 
+ 0,2611(124) —0,3 366 (125)+ 0,075 5 (126) 
XIII. Taufstein — Feldberg — Dünsberg. 
= 47 15 18,004— (9) +(10) 
= 49 2-4 55, T1 7 — (™) + (43) 
= 83 19 52,740 — (59) + (60) 
180 o 5,861 
i8o° + £ = i8o o 5,815

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