Case III. When the given equation merely connects two
differential coefficients whose orders differ by 2.
Reducing the equation to the form
d n y j.(d"‘y
dx n f \jdx n '
Let then
d*z .. .
This form has been considered under Case I.
It gives
f dz
x = I , ^ + C.
(2 ¡f(z)dz + GY
If from this equation z can be determined as a function of
x, G, and C',—suppose z = cf) (x, C, C 1 ),—then
dx n
C, C),
the integration of which by Case I. will lead to the required
integral. If ^ cannot be thus determined, we must proceed as
under the same circumstances in Case n.
Ex. Given =
ax ax
Proceeding as above, the final integral will be found to be
y = c x e a + c 2 e“ + c 3 x + c 4 .
Homogeneous Equations.
3. There exist certain classes of homogeneous equations
which admit of having their order depressed by unity.
Class I. Equations which, on supposing x and y to be each
cly d 2 y
of the degree 1, ~ of the degree 0, -~ 3 of the degree — 1, &c.,
become homogeneous in the ordinary sense.