in the first members of which z is supposed to be expressed
in terms of x, y, p, q by means of the differential equation, in
the second members, in terms of x, y, a, b by means of the
complete primitive.
Now the singular solution is deduced from the complete
primitive by means of the equations
and it is evident from the form of (26), that this will generally
involve the conditions
= 0,
= 0
Such then will generally be the conditions for determining
the singular solution from the differential equation.
The conditions (28) will not present themselves, should the
denominator of the right-hand members of (26) vanish identi
cally. But it may be shewn that in this case the conditions
(27) do not lead to a singular solution. And analogy renders
it probable that whenever the conditions (28) are satisfied the
result, if it be a solution at all, will be a singular solution.
The complete investigation of this point, however, would in
volve inquiries similar to those of Chapter vm.
The Buie indicated is then to eliminate p and q from the
differential equation by means of the equations (28) thence de
11. The following geometrical applications are intended to
illustrate the preceding sections.
Ex. 1. Bequired to determine the general equation of the
family of surfaces in which the length of that portion of the
normal which is intercepted between the surface and the plane
x, y, is constant and equal to unity.
As the length of the intercept above described in any sur
face is z (1 +p 2 + <f) h , we have to solve the equation
s 2 (1 +p 2 + q 2 ) = 1 (u).