It will have been noted that Charpit’s method consists in
determining p and q as functions of x, y, z, which render the
equation dz = pdx + qdy integrable. This determination pre
supposes the existence of two algebraic equations between
x, y, z, p, q; viz. 1st, the equation given, 2ndly, an equation
obtained by integration and involving an arbitrary constant.
Let us represent these equations by
F(x, y, z, p, q) = 0, <I> (x, y,z, p,q)=a.... (29),
respectively. And let us now endeavour to obtain in a general
manner the relation between the functions F and <E>.
Simply differentiating with respect to x, ?/, z, p, q, and re-
dF Y d® dF fo
presenting S by X, ^ by X, ^ by P, ^ by P, &c. we
have Xdx + Ydy + Zdz + Pdp + Qdq = 0,
X'dx + Y'dy + Z'dz 4- Pdp 4- Qdq = 0 ;
or, substituting pdx + qdy for dz,
(X+pX) dx+ (Y+ qZ) dy 4- Pdp 4- Qdq = 0... (30),
(X' 4-pZ') dx 4- ( Y’ 4- qZ') dy 4- Pdp 4- Qdq — 0... (31).
Substituting these values in (31) we have
(.X' + pZ' 4- rP’ + S Q) dx + (Y + qZ' +sP + tQ) dy = 0,
which, since dx and dy are independent, can only be satisfied
by separately equating to 0 their coefficients. These furnish
then the two equations
— (X' +pZ') — rP +sQ'
-(Y' + qZ') = sP+tQ