of degree d and weight w— 1. By the Lemma there exists *
an S for which tiS is any assigned S'. Thus the coefficients
of our S'^tiS are arbitrary and hence are linearly independent
functions of the (w; d, p) coefficients of 5. Hence the con
dition tiS=0 imposes (w— 1; d, p) linearly independent linear
relations between the coefficients of 5 and hence determines
(w — 1 ; d, p) of the coefficients of S in terms of the remaining
coefficients. Thus the difference gives the number of arbitrary
constants in the general seminvariant S, and hence the number
of linearly independent seminvariants S.
27. Hermite’s Law of Reciprocity. Consider any partition
W = Wi+W2 + . • .+««
of w into 8^d positive integers such that p't.nif.nz . . . ^ n s .
Write n\ dots in a row; then in a second row write n-2 dots
under the first ns dots of the first row; then in a third row
write ns dots under the first ns dots of the second row, etc.,
until w dots have been written in 8 rows.
Now count the dots by columns instead of by rows. The
number m\ of dots in the first (left-hand) column is «5; the
number m2 in the second column is S mi ; etc. The number
of columns is ni £ p. Hence we have a partition
w = mid-m2 + . • .+m v
of iv into 7r Sp positive integers not exceeding d.
Hence to every one of the (w; d, p) partitions of the first
kind corresponds a unique one of the (w; p, d) partitions of
the second kind. The converse is true, since we may begin
with an arrangement in columns and read off an arrangement
by rows. The correspondence is thus one-to-one. Hence
(w; d, p) = (w; p, d).
By two applications of this result, we get
(w; d, p)-{w-1; d, p) = {w\ p, d)-(w-1; p, d).
Hence, by the theorem of § 26, the number of linearly independent
* Provided pd—2(w—1)>0, which holds if pd—2wfS). But if pd—2w<0,
our theorem is true by the Lemma in § 25.