For, if k is any positive integer, (8) imply
R x k=Rl, S x k=S k x .
Multiply each member by the coefficient of u k in g{u>),
sum as to k, and apply (9) and the similar equations in S.
We get (17).
First, let A have a modulus. Choose in turn as
g(x) the characteristic determinants 8{co) and 8'(of) of
matrices R x and S x , respectively. Then, by (17) and
§ 59,
R5{x) — 8(R x )=o , Ss'(x) = 8'(S x ) =0.
Hence 8(x)=o, 8'(x)=o by Theorem 1 of § 58.
Second, let A lack a modulus and extend it to an
algebra A* with a modulus u 0 defined by (10). Choose in
turn as g(x) the characteristic determinants of matrices R* x
and Si, which by (13) are evidently equal to — co5(co) and
— c08'(of), respectively. By the facts used in the proof
of Theorem 3 of § 58, equations (17) hold when R and S
are replaced by R* and S*, respectively. Hence (§ 59),
R-xdix) — O , S- xS '(x) = O .
Since A* has a modulus, Theorem 1 of § 58 shows that
the subscripts are zero.
Theorem.* For every element x of any associative
algebra A, xS(x) =0, xS'(x) =0. If A has a modulus, also
8(x) =0, 8'(pc) =0.
* For another proof, with an extension to any non-associative
algebra, see the author’s Linear Algebras (Cambridge, 1914), pp. 16-19.
That proof is based on the useful fact that if we express xuj as a linear
function of Ui, .... , u n and transpose, we obtain n linear homo
geneous equations in u ly .... , u n the determinant of whose co
efficients is 8{x). Similarly, starting with ujx we obtain d'(x). Com
pare § 95.