§ 61]
Let x be an element of any algebra A which need not
be associative nor have a modulus. The matrices
R x —wl= (pkj—uôkj) , S x ~œl=(a k j—uôkj) ,
in which 8jj= i, 8kj=o(k9^j), are called the first and
second characteristic matrices of x, while their determinants
5(a)) and 8'(to) are called the first and second characteristic
determinants of x. Thus the first characteristic matrix
of x is obtained by subtracting to from each diagonal
element of the first matrix R x of x.
When A is associative, 5(oj)=o or o)5(o))=o and
8 / (co)=o or to8'(to)=o are called the first and second
characteristic equations of x, according as A has or lacks
a modulus.
These terms are all relative to the chosen set of basal
units u 1} . . . . , u„ of A. However, we shall next
prove that 8 (to) and 8'(to) are independent of the choice
of the units.
61. Transformation of units. This concept was
introduced in § 6. But we now need explicit formulae.
Let m« be a set of basal units of any
algebra A, not necessarily associative, over a field F.
We may introduce as new units any n linearly independ
ent elements of A:
where the r# are numbers of F of determinant ¡Ty] ¿¿o.
Then equations (18) are solvable for the Uj; let the solu
tion be