g(w)M(m — ü:I)=f(œ)I^g{œ)q{œ)I.
67. Minimum equation of a matrix. Any square
matrix m with elements in a field F is a root of its char
acteristic equation (§ 59) and hence is a root of a unique
equation </>(co)=o of lowest degree whose coefficients
belong to F, the leading coefficient being unity. This
equation is called the minimum (or reduced) equation
of m. It is understood that when co is replaced by m,
the constant term of 4>{co) is multiplied by the unit
matrix /.
Lemma. If \(m)=o, where X(co) is a polynomial
with coefficients in F, then X(co) is exactly divisible by <p{co).
For, let q{co) and r{00) denote the quotient and re
mainder from the division of X(co) by </>(co), where r{ co)
is either zero identically or is of degree less than that of
<£(co). Then
Xico) = ç(’co)0(co)+r(co).
Hence r{m) = o , so that r(co) is zero identically.
Theorem i. The minimum equation of an n-rowed
square matrix m is qffi) —o, where q{of) is the quotient of
the characteristic determinant /(co) of m by the greatest
common divisor g(co) of its (n — i)-rowed minors.
Denote the adjoint matrix (§3) of m — ixl by
{m— co7) 0 . Each of its elements is divisible by g(co).
(m—œI) 0 =g{w)M,
where M is a matrix whose elements are polynomials in
co without a common factor other than a number of F.
Hence (16) with x — m becomes